aup im rich just been diagnosed with ipf sever ive been put on steroids im used to doing long hours hgv driver and ive tried twice going back to work but ugh failed terribly has anyone got this disease controlled to be able to get back to work im self employed
diagnosed ipf: aup im rich just been... - Lung Conditions C...
diagnosed ipf

Hi Rich. I hope this is right I cannot call you cesspit! I don’t have experience of IPF but think you will get lots of advice on this forum as members are very knowledgeable and kind. Perhaps you should speak with the BLF helpline and/or your consultant/nurses who should be able to advise you. Hope you get some help and can stay as well as you can. Karen

I have a couple of road nik names thought it would be ok loool due to nature of work im finding hard to breathe and have to keep stopping to catch breath ive been diagnosed with sever ipf too many days stuck in traffic lool im finding it interesting how others cope and takeing notes ty
A person with IPF comes to our singing group, and has found learning to sing well helps him with controlling his breathing. Have a look on YouTube for singing lessons or breathing exercises to teach diaphragm breathing.
Wishing you all the best.
Lool if you heard me sing youd get shotgun to put me out of my misery
Ha! A few of my group members were told they couldn't sing, when they manage fine. My singing group is using singing for exercise, not to be listened to as a choir. But the You Tube singing videos you can try in the comfort of your own home!
Oh ok i could try that ill get back at cat he can listen what u tube videos please
As I don't know your vocal range, I can't recommend specific ones. Google 'diaphragm singing exercises' and you should get a lot of suggestions, some of which may really click with you.
One simple non-singing exercise my singing teacher gave me, is to lie as flat as you can with a book on your stomach, and make the book rise and fall just by breathing in and out. Guaranteed to bring up a load of phlegm too if you're that way inclined.