Cramp tips
Would like to thank everyone who offe... - Lung Conditions C...
Would like to thank everyone who offered tips for my cramps will definitely be giving it all a try fingers crossed it works for me
Good luck enjoy your day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
I also suffer from terrible cramps I was prescribed Quinnie Sulphate years ago and they really worked ,then earlier in th year my GP suddenly stopped prescribing them to me I had to go over and fight to be put back on them my dose at one stage was 900mg then dropped them to 600mg and I was just about coping .The GP said I should be took off them because they can cause heart failure , kidney damage ect ect I explained to my GP that I had been on them for years and hadn't any reaction whatsoever do he put me back on them to 300mg
I am again suffering legs ,feet ,ankles, forearms I really would be very interested in what people have told you to try because I cant cope with them anymore tonic water dosent touch me I would be extremely grateful to know if any thing has worked for you many thanks
Be careful before using quinine my GP refused it for me as it has contra reaction to some meds I am already on. Check with GP
I have been on Quinnine for almost 20 years and they really do get rid of these awful cramps recently my GP wanted to take me off them because he said the csn affect your heart and kidneys after all these years on them I have never suffered I'm sorry you had a bad reaction did they prescribe anything else for you I personally think it's due to cut back and using cheaper brands
I still take Quinnie but am open to any suggestions that will help
Hope you feel better soon......
Sorry I'm a little late----my Dad who used to be on quinine and I both get terrible leg, foot and even groin cramps. I had us both start taking Hylands leg cramp pills and 380 mg of Magnesium before bed. In the last almost 2 years I think we've had only a few minor episodes. I wish I knew if it was just one that worked but I'm not willing to "mess with success".
Good luck
I get these cramps like you almost everywhere I was told it was because of the steroids in my inhalers??
You are the second person to mention Magnesium were you able to buy it over the counter or were they prescribed ?
I'm glad that this us helping with your cramps I just want to know what works in case the GP wants to try and take me off them again good luck and if you know of anything else would you let me know please
Many Thanks ......
They are terrible. I just order the magnesium from Amazon (or I'm sure most drugstores/chemists), the Hylands leg cramp pills (PM or regular) I also found on Amazon. -----I have to stop all non prescription supplements before my shoulder surgery Wednesday--I sure hope I don't get an "attack" of cramps to add to my anxiety.
Good wishes for you.
I have been taking them for 2 weeks + now and they seem to of ease off slightly but even slight is great for me many thanks I wish you a Very Happy & Cramp Free 2020 thanks again x
I have been eating a banana a day for many years and suffer very few cramps.The anxiety is still there though and they can be quite painful. Good luck with whatever you try.