Hi lovely people! I wondered if anybody gets really sharp pains in their lungs?especially just one? I’ve emphysema/copd and read that the lungs cannot feel pain!! But I do nearly every day! Does anyone know what it could be please! It’s really painful and makes me super depressed and scared! Thanks.anthony.
Pain in the lungs!: Hi lovely people! I... - Lung Conditions C...
Pain in the lungs!

You dont feel pain from your lungs Tosh1960. But the membrane surrounding the lungs - the pleura - have a lots of nerve endings and can feel dreadful pain. Hence the condition named pleurisy! Other possibilities might be strained intercostal muscles which can sometimes feel like the pain is in the lungs. Another possibility is a hiatus hernia in the diaphragm. Do speak to your GP about this pain. All best
I get sore intercostal muscles. They feel really sore when I try to massage them better, but that helps. What helps more is using Ventolin before doing anything that requires me to take deep breaths, like heavy exertion or singing, as my body is very good at trying to pull my lungs further than the intercostal muscles want to go.
I was told by my pulmonologist that the lungs have no nerve endings so the can't give me pain; might it be your heart instead??
I think O2trees as given the best answer you are going to get. The pain could be related to a number of conditions and your doctor is the best place to get an answer. To reassure you I do get similar symptoms all of which are related to muscular skeletal problems rather than the actual lungs.
My lung feels inflammed occasionally. It's as if the whole lung feels sore. It actually happened to me yesterday. The feeling lasts the whole day. I'm pretty sure it's just my right lung.
Thank you all for your interesting replies! I’m more informed now!
I too get sharp pains have learned it is usually wind trapped against the diaphram and find if I make a gentle fist and massage in small circular motions while encouraging belching I can get rid of the pain - good luck worth a try and sorry about the less than pleasant image xx