Inevitability. : We've been friends for... - Lung Conditions C...

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40 Replies

We've been friends for many years

And now we're nearing the end.

The question is who will go first

Leaving one to fend.

I know that you will find it hard

To manage on your own

Because you are so old dear friend

You'll be difficult to rehome.

Although I'll miss you badly

It's a cross I'll have to bear

So you go first my little friend

I'll maybe see you there.

40 Replies
SquirrelsHolt profile image

Oh Mr.D. Im for once , lost for words! When it comes to our pets it is a worry, thinking if things were to change ,where they would go. Im slightly miffed as to're rhyming about something that hasn't happened but is obviously of great concern to you? I hope all is well,now you've had time to re-settle back indoors after your wonderful touring break.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

It's not necessarily about me and Midge, but any elderly person with an elderly pet. Currently we are both doing well. 🙂

skischool profile image

Oy geezer,i hope you are not thinking of sending Midge to Dignitas just yet,like you she has many adventures in your motor home to look forward to before it's time for the pearly gates. :)

Ski's and a cat going nowhere x

in reply to skischool

I didn't mean to upset anyone by implying our immediate demise, we are both fine. But surely people in any partnership must think on those lines at some time or other. I certainly did and I bet you did...and like me got it wrong! 🙁

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

I am thinking along the lines of dissolving our partnership given that one of the partners isn't pulling their weight though thankfully for Scruffy i won't make her a sleeping party. :) x

I know what you mean Don that's the way it goes, I would hate to leave mine but we have good rescues near where we live there is always someone who has lost a elderly dog and only want a older dog for company. My friend has rescued one at 10 years old. If I needed a dog I would only give a home to a old dog.😀💞

in reply to

" I would only give a home to a old dog" Can I apply? 😉

in reply to

Don you and Midge still have a lot of travelling to do yet not forgetting the two girls. But you would have to get me assessed to see if I would be a suitable owner. 😂x

in reply to

Midge is lying next to me fast asleep with her tail wagging away bagging on the floor. I wondered what the noise was, I'd like to know what's going on in that head, she's having a good time somewhere. 😅

in reply to

Our little dogs do that Don it must be happy dreams happy lives.I sometime wonder what they are thinking. 😀

Hacienda profile image

OMG, Had me searching for a GOOD reply from You, Found it, Thank Goodness. Heart Skipped a Beat There Dear Don & Dearest Midge. Phew, no more Dreary Words Please. Stay Well Both of You. Love n Hugs. xxxx

in reply to Hacienda

Well we can’t all be happy clappy all the time, real life isn’t like that, but thanks for the Love n Hugs, better now. Xxxxx 🙂

sassy59 profile image

Very well put Don. Sadly people do pass away leaving beloved pets behind.

You and Midge are doing well which is great so nothing to worry about for a long time to come. Xxxx 😘

Kittykat2 profile image

Made me feel quite sad that Don.

I know it's life and how things go tho !

You and Midge have loads to do yet 💕💕x

Izb1 profile image

Reminds me of my Mums old cooker, made in England when we were younger meant it lasted a life time, there wasnt a scratch on it and she only got rid of it because she couldnt get a part for it. Well Don you were made in England and are here for the forseeable future, along with little Midge, so make your plans for him and we can smile with the new day x

Katinka46 profile image

Well... a much bigger question than the first glance. No pets but I have given a lot of thought over the past few years about how my BB would manage if I go first. And —- no —- it’s not me being morbid, just realistic. His disability is very incapacitating but may not be as life-limiting as mine. He has said that he would have to go into a home. Our youngest is not far away but I don’t want her to feel responsible. Meanwhile we toddle along with a few more years left in us, adding a few more things to help, stairlift, grab rails, large walk-in shower, a kind of causeway for his wheelchair to get onto the pavement.

Enjoying each day and so thankful that we live in a beautiful place.

Kate xxxx

in reply to Katinka46

Thank you Kate, at last somebody understands the point I was trying to make. It is sad to think on these lines but I chose the title very carefully. The situation cannot be avoided and maybe giving it advanced consideration and even shedding a few tears now might lessen the shock and grief later.

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to

As here I had planned for the "leaving" in my people partnership. I have all the illnesses, hubby was, in theory, healthy. After all the plans, he died in 2013 and I am still limping along, I do agree we cannot stick our head in the sand, as these things happen. My maternal Grandparents were lucky, died on the same day, different places but same day. Grandpa had a heart attack on the bus to visit her in hospital and I got a call to confirm his identity. Went into Gran's ward (she had been unconscious for 3 months) even though nurses thought I was nuts, I sat and told her Grandpa had died and I would let my mother know. I had only been home a few hours, when the hospital rang to say Gran had died. She had always said, that although she did believe in God, she wanted him to be there first. On a lighter note, I did wish my Grandparents had done a bit of a clearout, when they retired, clearing a home of 40 years of accumulated stuff (Gran's clothes from the "flapper" era were stored in the attic!! ) The work took weeks and most of the "stuff" had not seen the light of day in over 30 years. As to their psycopathic yorkshire terrier, I took him on, and he repaid me by eating me out of house and home.

Katinka46 profile image
Katinka46 in reply to SORRELHIPPO

I am trying to declutter. I like it; nothing pleases me more than going to the tip or charity shop and flinging it all away. But my BB hates it. Has to read every single piece of paper before reluctantly letting it go. If anyone borrows anything I tell them not to bring it back. K x

JANET127 profile image

aaaaaww...That is so sweet! Thank you Mr Don! Janet127

majji profile image

Something everyone should be prepared for at some point :-(

in reply to majji

Very good information I didn't know dogs trust did this we have one near us a friend has just rescued a little dog from there resently . 🤗👍

majji profile image
majji in reply to

It is comforting to know that there are charitable organisations who can step in if needed Majt.

in reply to majji

Yes it is comforting to know I have though about it at times I have down loaded the forms it is there if it is ever needed. pet's are a worry sometimes. 😊 xx

Corin1950 profile image

Very poignant, Don and having read the replies glad to hear the poem was a general one and not referring to yourself and Midge. Hope you have many happy years together. It did set me off thinking about my own situation where at the moment I'm the "healthier" of the two of us. I know from my past experience of my parents where my mum was the healthy one and she died young at 61 and my dad who had COPD and various other illnesses lived for 18 years after her death. None of us really knows what the future holds we just have to see each day as a blessing and enjoy it and like Katinka I've started decluttering too.

Take care, Don and Midge


Carnival567 profile image

When you have pets they are both a joy and a worry and your verse says it all. Bracken the spaniel is two and a bright active dog. My husband adores him but I know I couldn’t manage him alone. I try not to worry, but since my husband has had two lots of cancer in two years the thought is always there. Thank you for bringing the topic to the fore, it has obviously touched a lot of hearts. Keep going the pair of you. Many blessings to you both xx

syntax profile image

Do not know if you have relatives Don,but wife will look after our friends

until her turn, then Daughter takes them on.Failing that Don,the RSPA are

now looking after and find life time homes for our older friends. LUCK

in reply to syntax

Thank you, I am not well endowed with relatives to be honest, but this was just a poem to make people think about the subject not about me in particular. I'm convinced that Midge and I will peg out at about the same time, we have lived so closely together for so long. Neither of us will exist long without the other and I worked out recently that, taking account of dog years, we will be the same age next year.😉

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to

My husband's great aunt had an overweight and adored bull terrier, when the lady started getting ill, the only thing she worried about, was how the dog would cope if left alone. The lady managed to go on for a good 6 months longer than expected, she let go when the dog went, and only survived him by a couple of months, happy to know that he had not had to be upset and moved. A lot of relatives were surprised, but the dog had been of more companionship than any of her relatives.

in reply to SORRELHIPPO

I’ve had dogs all my life, family and working, but never been as close to one as I am to my present Jack Russell. We are rarely apart. I think it has to do with living alone, losing family members and grieving together, growing old together and suffering from age related stuff together. There was a time when I would have looked upon me with certain amount of disdain. 🙄

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPO in reply to

We are odd are we not, us human beings, personally I have had and hallf shared quite a few pets, I mainly prefer the unconditional love of animals. Maybe it is because, when they argue, there are no words to get in the way, just obvious behaviour that says no, I will not eat this, go there, get out of bed, have a bath etc. I do agree that our younger selves might not have completely understood, but who cares.

MoyB profile image

Very poignant Don! But I'm glad to know it's not about you and Midge just yet. xx Moy

in reply to MoyB

Thanks Moy. I'd better write something a bit more cheerful pretty quickly. This had more of a reaction than I expected. 🙄

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

It's ok, Don, we know you're usually a cheerful chappie! You cleared it up in your replies - just seemed rather sad at first. xx Moy

kernowdame profile image

The Cinnamon Trust, based near me takes care of pets whose owner dies or who have to go into care etc. Very nice people.


Susan1200 profile image

Awwww Don ,your beautiful poem brought tears to my eyes, I am a sensitive person, ,that's just silly old me 🤔

Wishing you a lovely new start to a new week 🌻🍀🌻

mcafferty70 profile image

Beautiful words, very relevant as well. Thank you

Jason098765 profile image

Well done Don you've got people thinking.

MacColl profile image

Oh indeed - they give us so much, it would be hard for them to suddenly find themselves 'lost'.

I'm lucky in that we have two sons who love her, and the breeder of her litter is a dear friend who will always take back any of her dogs (and others too as she is also a rescue for the breed).

Many happy days ahead to all of us! ;)

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