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Pulmonary rehabilitation course

Ripley25 profile image
42 Replies


My gp has just referred me for one of these as i have had multiple repeat infections and my mental health declined with it all. Just feel like I've had no help over the last 6 years. Anyone been on one. Thanks

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Ripley25 profile image
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42 Replies
HungryHufflepuff profile image

Hi Ripley I haven’t been on a PR course but many people here have and it seems like a wonderful thing. I probably shouldn’t have jumped in and replied here but left it to someone who can actually answer your question 🙄 I just get excited about PR courses because, they sound so beneficial and empowering, so it’s great you’re getting the opportunity to participate 👍 I hope it will be helpful for you.

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply toHungryHufflepuff

I'm worried I'm not ill enough. Silly isn't it. Dr said just for COPD sufferers i said no i read on lung Foundation site it is for broncheastasis too. She then referred me. Hope i can get on one. I need help

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply toRipley25

I don’t think your doctor would refer you if you weren’t ill enough. As illogical as it sounds, you don’t get referred for a PR course if you’re not ill enough even though it might be something that helps to prevent your health from deteriorating. I hope you can get on a course and that it will help you 🤞

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply toHungryHufflepuff

Thank you so much

Damon1864 profile image

Hi Ripley i have been on a PR course a few times and really enjoyed it. It helps a great deal not only with you r physical health but also yo r mental health. Hope you enjoy it, please let us know how you get on. Have a wonderful weekend and take care of yourself 😊Bernadette xxx

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply toDamon1864

Hi. Thank you. I hope i am accepted.

PosyP profile image

Hello Ripley, I did the course and it worked wonders for me. I think maybe you have lost a bit of confidence so it will be helpful for you in more ways than one. For me it took a bit of perseverance, but I stuck it out and got full benefit. Go for it Ripley, and keep us informed as you go each time, cos that will be informative for others who need to know about it. We had various light exercises, walking up and down hall according to our ability, which did show improvement over the weeks. We had a performance sheet to fill in ie how many lengths of room we walked, and the very varied exercises. It was surprising how much we improved over the weeks. We also had a talk time which was informative. We also had the inevitable cup of tea or coffee, and of course we made some new friends. Main thing to remember is that this is not a contest, and nobody has a great expectation of you or what you can do. Even if you don’t increase the number of exercises or steps, you will have benefitted in some way. Everybody’s capability is different. I hope this helps.


Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply toPosyP

Hi. Yes it did help. Thank you.

Skatergirl1 profile image

Hi Ripley, I have also done the course and enjoyed it very much, met new friends who are in the same position as ourselves, got fitter, information about how the disease works and how to look after ourselves better and also had a laugh. Hope you enjoy it too xx

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply toSkatergirl1

I just hope i get accepted on the course

hypercat54 profile image

I have been on one and I am only mild. I found it helpful. You might also have a Breatheasy group in your. This is a group of fellow lung sufferers who usually meet monthly. I found this very helpful and you can go forever if you want. x

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply tohypercat54

Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.

Patsy164 profile image

Hi I went to one last year and I enjoyed it and it does help the breathing. Met some lovely people too. Hope you enjoy it. I think meeting other people in the same boat helps, everyone has a different story. Do let us know how you get on. X

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply toPatsy164


soulboy118 profile image

Ive been on these courses for the last 9 years ,if you stick to it ( its really hard work at first) it will eeally help your breathing, stamina and overall well being ,where i live they have a rolling course so if there are places you can join the course ,its a good start to getting fitter ( up to a point) but its very beneficial

Ripley25 profile image
Ripley25 in reply tosoulboy118

Thank you

victoriablue profile image

I have last year best thing I did good for your lungs and meet loads of nice people the same as yourself. Just a pity you can only go for the one course.

Even helps with learning to use different things to help you. I for one would jump at the chance go again. Go for it. Rose

CornishBrian profile image
CornishBrian in reply tovictoriablue

I'm about to go for my third course, spread over about ten years.

victoriablue profile image
victoriablue in reply toCornishBrian

Long time apart and there was me hoping I can go again in 12 months lol.

They did send me to healthy minds as I was so down with different complaints. Not impressed might help some but it wasn’t for me. Rose

CornishBrian profile image
CornishBrian in reply tovictoriablue

They were a long time apart but the timing was down to me. I had a big lay off when I had cancer treatment and the recovery period. After each course we were offered a follow on service too.

victoriablue profile image
victoriablue in reply toCornishBrian

Hope all is well now going to ask if I can go back to p/r

The annoying part is when you are there quite a few go once and don’t come back.

I was told it costs £500 per person and they can’t be bothered to turn up. 😡 Rose

soulboy118 profile image

See if your local copd team or gp can refer you to a " healthy living team" at your local council if you have one , they do almost the same course but they run for 3 months ,its obviously gentle exercises but it will keep your fitness up ,hope this helps

CornishBrian profile image

Best ever medicine you can get. Not only do you learn more about your condition but you will find out that life isn't about to end. Your confidence will be boosted and if this wasnt enough, you meet folk local to you that are in a similar position as you.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply toCornishBrian

Glad to see your post as it seems it has been quite sometime since you have posted unless I simply missed seeing your posts. Glad to know you are okay and are still here.

CornishBrian profile image
CornishBrian in reply tojackdup

Hi ya. Nice to know I've been missed. I always read the posts but have had a lot to deal with. My missus kicked me out last March and I've been rebuilding my life. We had only been married 47 years. When we got married, they said it wouldn't last....looks like they were right.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply toCornishBrian

Definitely missed you and a few others that used to post regularly and always hope they are okay and just haven’t posted for one reason or another so nice to know you are okay. Sorry to hear about your short term marriage ending. 😊

JasperDylan profile image

Go on the courser you will enjoy the experience and meet up with others who have the same problems plus you will learn new techniques on how to use your inhalers and exercise at home

Good luck i have been on 4 courses in 7 years

jamorro profile image

Pulmonary Rehabilitation course was the best thing I did at the beginning of my COPD. Initially (back 2004) when I was diagnosed with COPD I was afraid to go out as I couldn’t breathe. I got myself on a PR course and it helped enormously. I enjoyed it so much that I went three years running. Nowadays I am 73 go to the gym 3/4 times a week and live a fairly normal life. Go to the PR course and it will help you get better.

Ergendl profile image

It really helped me at the start of my moderate COPD diagnosis. Now I'm back in the low normal range. My getting fitter was started off by attending a PR course and learning that I was overbreathing which had been making me dizzy and doing less exercise, so getting deconditioned. Now I control my breathing much better and am amazed at what I can do despite the COPD diagnosis.

SparkySW123 profile image

Hi Ripley, Some years ago I did a PR course and it certainly helped me. My health has worsened, including my mental health and I'm going to be doing another 7-week course, twice a week starting in June. You will meet people with similar problems and I feel sure it will help you build up your confidence and fitness again. Go for it. You've got everything to gain and nothing to lose. xx

Hacienda profile image

Hi Hun, I have had 5 Courses and hoping for a 6th. which gave me the energy to carry on with my Breathe Easy exercise Classes and the Gym. I now need to go back to Rehab as my valves have stopped working and I most definitely need that Boost again. You will feel the Benefits Physical & Mental. I always loved going and felt so Good. I hope to feel that Good again soon. Best Wishes. xxxxx

Nevvik profile image

Hi I would definitely recommend going. Great help & the others that attend with you show you that your not alone.

I am just about to start a follow up course once per week.

Go, I am convinced you will benefit.


Aingeful profile image

I went last year and loved it! We did a warm up then used various pieces of equipment ( exercise bike,weights,stepper etc. We also walked round the room and timed ourselves. After that we had a talk, diet, breathing techniques, keeping healthy etc.There were all stages of lung disease there including people on oxygen. It was a very positive experience and I am hoping to go again this year.

Offcut profile image

PR is well worth a visit and to attend as much as you can they not only help with exercise but will talk though the best way to cope and treat your conditions.

cofdrop-UK profile image

It can’t do you any harm and will almost certainly do you good. Your doc is wrong in that a person with any lung condition is accepted. I can see where he is coming from though as it was designed originally specifically for people with copd. I too have bronchiectasis and although I found the excercise part very beneficial and some of the talks interesting eg inhalers, it is geared towards copd eg they talk about 7 days antibiotics and there was no discussion re lung clearance or nebulising either bronchodilaters, saline or antibiotics. The Brompton have a separate PR for bronchiectasis. I did a patient perspective piece for my consutants who were requiring funding to look into evidence based benefits of PR specifically for bronchiectasis, working alongside the university fitness dept. The funding wasn’t successful on this occasion. I am starting to think I jinxs stuff.

I would defo go - you will benefit for sure from the excercise alone. There will be folks in all stages of their own condition and it is not a competition, except to try and improve yourself. ENJOY.


Roysieboy profile image

Hello Ripley25. I have been on the PR and can really recommend it. The people running it, I found, have always got time to help u and advise u. I always feel better when I come out of there as the exercises make me feel good. Nothing to strenuous, just do what u can. Where I go after the 6 weeks on the NHS they run a maintenance group where u have to pay. It is once a week for 1 hour. I am sure it helps me that is why I keep going. I would highly recommend it and go with an open mind. I hope u enjoy it, u meet people in the same boat as u, some r better health wise some r worse. Plenty of people to talk to. Always ask questions of the people who run it they r really helpful. I have got COPD and it helps my breathing no end. Best wishes and good luck to u. 👍🤓

Patchpoppy2 profile image

Hi,Ripley25 I've been on the course .very worthwhile. I was doing exercises I never imagined I could do. I felt really good and invigorated when I finished. I highly recommend it.

Patf1 profile image

Hi Ripley

I have mild bronchiectasis too diagnosed in 2017 but I think I’ve had it for a long time. My GP referred me for a pulmonary rehab course in February and I have an appointment for an assessment on 10 May.

I am worried that I am “too well” to attend and don’t want to waste anyone’s time but like you I have had multiple infections and I will try anything that might help.

I hope that your appointment comes through quickly and you benefit from the course as so many others have.

Fingers crossed that it works for both of us!

Enjoy the sun today

Pat x

Hi I did the course about six years ago (didn't get a cup of tea!!) and it was the best thing I did. If you are prepared to push yourself to do the best you can and more importantly keep up the breathing excercises and any physical activity afterwards you will feel really good. Not everyone can go to a gym (I do) but walking especially up gentle slopes is good and any type of excercise that involves strengthening the diaphragm muscles - weights or stretchy bands. Good luck

ceris profile image

Hi, I’m on a course at the moment, it’s very good, it’s twice a week for 7 weeks and has taught me a lot about what I have, which is copd, you also make friends, we have an hours exercise, which are not difficult ones, and then a talk for an hour, which are really interesting. I wasnt too sure about it when my dr referred me, but I’m glad I’m doing it now.

Oshgosh profile image

Went on pulmonary rehab,I found it helpful.

We did about an hours exercise,then a cup of tea,then education.

Y other half used to come for the education.

He found it very useful.,as it gave him info for if I get ill.

The exercise is ok ,they supervise you closely.

When it ended,they offered me 12 weeks free gym. When this finishes I can have reduced price membership.

I don’t have a definite diagnosis yet.

I had CBT,which I did online. This was good and helped me untangle and restructure my thoughts and emotions.the CBT has finished,the transcripts of the sessions are still available online,so I can re-read them whenI feel the need.

I would advise you to go on the Pulmonary Rehab course.put on your trainers and go to the session.

I found the worst but was walking in the first time.

Good. Luck

Starstream profile image

Hi, just finished the course it was very informative and the exercise has helped. Still getting repeated exacberations though almost 1 a month 😏

Just started on another exercise program that they recommend, it's important to keep the exercise going.

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