Had a great day skating today, 4 hours on the ice!! Lungs certainly had a good workout x
Excercise: Had a great day skating... - Lung Conditions C...

Brilliant xx
wow- that's sounds like so much fun,oh how I remember when I used to skate,but due to problems cant skate any more,but so happy for you!!
Hi Les4560, thank you, yes it is fun, and also my exercise to help improve my lungs, its a shame you can't skate anymore, sorry to hear you have other problems x
thank you but it is just life altering so im not complaining but oh how I love hearing about skating and I never miss a skating event or watching it on t.v-have you skated for championships?
Hi Les, unfortunately not, I started skating when is was about 6 and passed, my bronze, silver and gold by the time I was 8. I was coached and was just about to compete in competitions, when my family moved to a different part of the county, and there was not an ice rink and I had to give it up. Then life got in the way. When I was diagnosed with copd last year, I heard the best thing to try and slow the progression of the disease is exercise, so I decided to take up skating again, and there is a rink about half hour drive from where I live now, beats the gym any day, as I hate them so I am now having fun, whilst getting fitter xx
wow-you were very talented at such a young age! so glad you went back to skating , im sure it makes you very happy! so any time you want to talk about skating or ice hockey; well im your girl! LOL
haha, Im a born again teenager, in my head I can still do everything, but my body it telling me otherwise lol x How far did you get with your skating?
Oh to be a born again teenager! Sounds amazing in so many ways. 😎😂 x
Hi Brian, oh if only we could turn the clocks back....I wouldn't change a thing lol x other than I wished I never smoked, but it was a cool thing to do in our day!! and the addiction got me x
It was the same for me. Everyone thought it was cool. Everyone did it on tv, in films, sportsmen did it, everyone seemed to do it! I can remember being able to go in our local paper shop and the old guy in there would split open a pack and sell them individually! I was only about 12 at this stage. If I could have my time again I would never smoke. Xx
Way to go Skatergirl1 . Sounds like a lot of fun too. xx 🙋
Hi Caspian, yes it is a lot of fun, I forgot how much so, now wished I hadn't had a 45 year gap in skating lol x
I can't skate for the life of me. My legs decide to go off in all different directions at once. 😂😂😂
Its never too late to learn!! I was fortunate that I learnt when I was young, but had to stop when I was eleven, due to moving area and no ice rink for over 50 miles, then life got in the way. But now this year back with a vengeance and putting in a few jumps and twirls, pleased with myself considering I'm nearing 60 lol x
I used to enjoy rollerskating but with the boots, like the ones with 4 wheels, not the ones that look like ice skates on wheels. It was a lot of fun, but that was a long time ago!
Hi hungryhufflepuff, you can still get the old roller-skates with 4 wheels, you ought to give it another go!! xx
When I read your reply my first thought was, That's not going to happen! But, having been pondering it I thought out of interest I'd look to see how much roller skates cost. I looked at Amazon but none of my searches have found any there. I don't know where one would buy roller skates from... Do you know? Not that I'm committing to buying any but I'm no longer ruling it out 😎
Oh! how fab, such an exciting way to exercise you lucky girl. Wish I could but cant have any more falls, already torn the tendon off in the top of my arm. Better then any gym. Have fun x
I admire you Hun, Great way to exercise. I did learn to Ice Skate in my 50's, after snow ski-ing in my 40's, then went on to water Ski-ing up until I was 54. All this was done in Spain ( Yes they do have ice Rinks). When I was 60 ish I developed a Cough, which Today is Stage 4 severe COPD which got worse when I came back to UK( 6 years ago), The Pollution is Horrendous in parts of UK. I Hope you carry on with your Beloved Ice Skating and feel all the Benefits of Exercise. Go Girl. love n Hugs. xxxx
Thank you Hacienda, I used to ski also, but have not been for many years, but not ruling it out in the future. Spain is lovely, I lived there for a year when I was in my 30's loved the people, food and weather. I am stage 3 copd diagnosed last year, so now trying to get a bit fitter and to do everything I can, whilst I can. Xx 😄💝
Hi. I am similar...feeling like a teenager in my head and just won't let the COPD get the best of me. Favorite activity is Golf usually play 2-3 times a week and I exercise regularly with calisthenics and push hard to breathlessness on purpose. I am 63 and can't imagine the day I might have to give those things up.