Doctor has put me on Carbocisteine tablets to help with the gunge .. what we thinking of them? Do they work? Side effects? .. xx
Carbocisteine: Doctor has put me on... - Lung Conditions C...

Sadly not for me. I was projectile vomiting when I tried them. However they work for most people so worth a try.
I've been on them for a couple of weeks. No side effects (yet at least) and I do think they're helping.
Hi, ive been taking them for 4 years, they work and no side effects for me. I think you just have to try them, everyone reacts differently xxx love burs xxx
I suggest you search in the BLF forum on "carbocysteine" (it's normally spelled with a 'y' in the middle, though I have seen it with an 'i' on occasions). Questions similar to yours are regularly asked about this drug, which is why I guess that the usual suspects who post informative answers are not responding.
Ok thank you .. I’ll give it a try x
I don’t find it helpful and prefer more localised medication - saline either isotonic or hypertonic, but we are all different and many people find it very helpful and hopefully you will be one of them.
I’ve been taking the saline through the nebuliser for a year now .. sadly not working for me .. thank you xx
Hi Candyred, I have been using carbocisteine for about 4 years now hope you find it helpful. Majt

Thank you x
I'm on them and they do help. The only problem I had was that they gave me indigestion and that was easily sorted out by GP.
They take about 3 days to work. I found the third day I wanted to sit/ sleep all day. Tried smaller doses but had to give up on them. As others have said, we are all different. Worth a try though.
Hi Candyred, I have been taking them about three years and have found them really good, but I use the yellow ones. I found the blue ones were not as effective.
Hope they work for you x
Hi I have been taking them for 4yrs and they work for me 3 a day just a small side effect now and again of diahorrea a couple of times a week but manageable, the benefits are very good for me
Hi, i have been on these tablets 4 a day for a few years with no side effects. Was told they dont work for everyone but they do for me. Hope this helps. Karen xxx
Yes I find them good my chest wos bad and mucus very sticky I had bad bouts of coughing cabocisteine thins the mucus
Works for me, no side effects. If Dr has prescribed then give it a bash. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! Good luck
I've been on these for nearly a year now and find they have improved my bronchiectasis tremendously with no side effects.
Yes they work for me really gets mucus up !
I don’t take regularly just when I can’t get mucus up as when I stay on them regularly I have bad bouts of coughing,but it is the coughing that gets everything up !!
I've been on them for at least five years, four a day, no side effects. I stopped them for a month about two years ago and found I had to go straight back on them. I've only ever known them as Carbocisteine never seen it spelt with a Y! Maybe different countries have different spellings? Good luck with them.
I have been prescribed these by the lung
specialist at hospital and have been taking 2 a day for about 10 days now but - I have suffered with constipation for most of my life and found various ways of dealing with it - but since starting on these tablets - I go first thing on getting out of bed - and again shortly after every meal and although good consistency just a bit of a nuisance - making it difficult to eat out anywhere
I haven't had any problems with them
I take three day. When first put on them the difference was notable so I guess they work.
Have been on them for ages , no side effects ,and really help to break up the gunge , it will take a while before you notice the benefits .
Thank you to all that replied much appreciated xx
What is this drug used for....have never heard of it???
They work a treat for me, 2 X twice a day and I can shift it the gunge great. No side affects. Hope they work for you too, love.

Thank you xx
I was on 2 twice a day for years, now on 2 three times a day.
They have really helped me and no side effects.
Hi Candyred.
I was given them a couple of years ago as I couldn’t cough up so they did work shifting it up out if my lungs - I don’t take them all the time but when I feel I need to cough up and can’t ill take them.
Hi Candyred
I have been taking them since Nov last year and I find they do work
I hope this helps
Yes they work but i have the liquid , still loads of gunk but easoer to get up
This drug was transformative for my elderly mum (who has Bronchiectasis and takes 2 tablets, 3 times a day). Now she can clear her lungs with Active cycle of breathing, whereas before she couldn't do this as easily.
Important - Keep hydrated - as this drug apparently makes the mucus less thick and needs the water. So do drink a lot of water (to a safe level though)
She has fortunately had no side effects although reading the comments her, she does tend to need to do "no. 2's" several times a day when she goes to the loo, whereas before it was just once. (Sorry for the bluntness)
I was prescribed it about 6-8 months ago and in my case it worked. It was suggested I could take it all the time but I would rather use it as and when needed. H
I've been taking Carbocisteine for just over 3 years. I started on 2 twice a day and after about a year, because they were feeling less efective, my dose was increased to 2 three times a day. I don't have any side effects
My husband is on three capsules a day.they definitely helped thin the muck on his lungs so made it easier to cough up. Not really needing them at the moment though.He is pretty ill and on 24 hour oxygen and i find using a liquid nebule machine helps as well.
I am 69 and have had bronchiectasis all my life (caused by whooping cough and subsequent pneumonia). I also have COPD.
3 years ago I needed 5 courses of antibiotics. 2 years ago I needed 7 courses. Since taking the drug, 15 months ago, I have been antibiotic free!
I started the drug 2 caps, three times a day and 4 months later I lowered it to 1 three times a day.
My theory for this working is this.... 3 years ago, when I started with a chest infection, I took a 7 day course of antibiotics. After taking them I felt great for about 4 weeks. During this time my sputem level dropped significantly and 2 to 3 weeks after that sputem levels were well down and I thought that's great. A week or so later I started feeling unwell and started with an infection all over again... more antibiotics. What I didn't realise is that sputem levels were not going down at all... it was still there but becoming too thick to clear so became a breeding ground for another infection. With the drug the sputem is a lot thinner, so I can now easily keep my lungs clear. Sputem levels seem to be higher, and at times cause a bit more embarrassment, but it's a price worth paying to avoid taking antibiotics.
Embarrassment how? Some time ago my doctor mentioned giving something to shift the mucus though as yet I haven't had medications for that, it hasn't come to that, and I wondered how it works. Like does carbocisteine simply thin the mucus to make it easier to cough up, or does the mucus start coming up by itself. I'm really only asking because I'm curious and I genuinely don't know how it works. Not meaning to ask a silly question here.
It's good news you've been avoiding the antibiotics. Long may it continue 👍
Yes, that's all it does... thin the mucus so it's easier to cough up. So, because the mucus is thinner, thinned down by the body with water there's more of it. That's why, as someone said earlier, you need to drink more water to feed the thick mucus... to make it more fluid. Because there's more mucus I need to cough / hough more and, in public, to me it's a little bit more embarrassing. To avoid the embarrassment I escape to a private place to get rid. Hope that helps?
Hello Candyred, have been on Carbocisteine for about nine months now and they work for me. I was on 3 x 2 a day and then after about six months told to reduce to 2 x 2 but my cough got worse (dry) so I have gone back to 3 x 2. Before I took them my teeth were getting really stained - the dentist said it was because my mouth was too dry due to the inhalers (I drink lots so that was not an issue). After about three days on the Carbocisteine my teeth were back to how they were before. Other than that wonderful one, no side effects. Good luck
Nope sorry does nothing got said to come of them.
I have been taking them for about 5 months with no side effects and they really do make a difference.
Thanks Candyred for asking this question as I had not heard of these before now! Good to know and I oh so hope they are a success for you. I am managing thus far with cough mixture, nebuliser and the flutterer....all of these help with getting that gunk up! Best of luck.
This post is interesting as I have started C..ine a week ago to help my PF cough. The first thought was this is no good I am coughing even more, but I think it is the mucus coming out of my lungs. What is v good it seems to be thining the heavy mucus in my nasal passages and as I have a nasal cannula 24/7 that is good news. No side effects apart for more poos!!!
Hi have been taking for quite a while and find they do keep Mucas thinner not so much of it to bring up I think myself that they are good.
Hi candyred,
I've been taking carbocistene for some years. I've had no side effects, and they help soften mucus so it is easier to shift.
I find them really helpful, stick with them don't give up to quickly, they've been so effective for me ,I take 6 per day. Hope this helps you.
I've been using Carbocisteine for a long time, they really work well and have no side effects, I see you've had a lot of replies but thought I'd still add my comments too.
Hubby has been on these for years. He asked doc if there was an alternative med as he thinks his body had got used to them but computer said no !!!! No side effects really. He is also on a gastro resist tablet to protect his stomach which is brilliant. He used to eat Rennies like sweets but doesnt need them at all now. ...
I prefer to buy NAC as it’s more natural I think and one capsule a day keeps me mucus free , unless I have an infection .
I've been on them for 2 yrs they do side effects.
Have been on them for years wonderful breaking up thick gunge so that it does not stick in the throat etc easier to cough up
They work great for me, ive been using them for more than 3yrs and everyone ive spoken to that takes them thinks they work, best to try them as if they work they can make a big difference.