Has anybody found their breathing declined after taking Sulfasalazine over a few year?I could just be barking up the wrong tree but just read an article and I’m trying to come to a conclusion for my declining breathing ability.I’m 46yr old but feel twice my age and since being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and taking Sulfazine over a period of time I’m really breathless at the slightest exertion.I have ‘mild`bronchiectasis according to consultant caused by Rheumatoid arthritis.Ive asked if this medication could be causing the decline but that theory was dismissed...hmmm.Then you read articles stating it does cause breathing difficulties?Just a thought.
Sulfasalazine : Has anybody found their... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello, I was on Sulpha Many years ago, but had no problems with it. I too have developed Bronchiectasis but had already moved off Sulpha and onto MTX since then. I personally never heard anyone complain about breathing problems when on Sulpha. But do know that MTX can cause lung problems.

Ok,thanks for your reply.
So often you must become your own health advocate, as you know your body and how it feels. Get all available info, even if it is conflicting info. Then make your own decision based on intuition. You are doing right by asking here.
Hi there, you maybe could be on the right track. There are lots of drugs for other illness that cause breathing reduction plus other possible side effects. The benefit has to be weighed against the side effect. This is an example or two. Tablets for blood pressure can cause raised uric acid which can cause gout or a stroke the opposite of the desired result. Several pain killers can reduce the breathing as they slow down the lung activity, but bad pain can cause your blood pressure to rise so painkillers do need to be given. You must consider how best to control your health issue along with your GP, there may be another drug you could have for your RA, why not try arthritis research and see what drugs they reccomend or arthritis action. RA does sometimes effect the lungs as in your case. Good luck with finding a better option however don't be too optimistic , I am reduced to paracetamol for my arthritic pain due to my lung condition and no BP tablets due to raised uric acid. Tablets are not always the answer to our ailments.
Hi I feel same started Sulfasalazine two weeks ago as have tried too many dmards and biologics to list all with serious effects on my health.
Saddleback pulmonary embolism 2016
PCP infection ended in Icu 2016
serious bleed caused by another in 2017
Serious skin reactions 2017 and 2018
Increased dose to 2 tablets a day on the Friday evening the Saturday evening cough up small clot.
Sunday morning ended up in AE with breathing problems on exhurtion and lower left lung pain on breathing in deep. Had bloods d dimer was slightly raised and had CT scan with dye and chest x-ray but got sent home told to just continue current meds as normal😟
Monday morning woke same but with cough that produced horrid green stuff rang Rhuemotology nurse to ask best thing to do ie go gp or just stop Sulfasalazine till things ease to be told urgent Gp check for infection even though all bloods and chest X ray was ok day before!! So story is currently ongoing