Hello I need advice, been Asthmatic for 55 years, had pneumonia 2 in last 3 years, got scarring on left lung due to Pulmonary Embolisms. Been ill for month now, breathless wheezing chest. Had 3 weeks antibiotics 4 weeks steroids and nebulisers and carbocisteine. Still the same getting worried now, pain all around left lung at the back. Scared I’m going to get fluid on the lung, feel really awful, surely I should have had an improvement in a month. Any help advice greatly appreciated
Help: Hello I need advice, been... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Silver, you are certainly having a rough time at the moment, I would go to A&E at least then you will have a chest X-ray and maybe that will show what's going on. You can't keep going on the way you are, if you go to the hospital at least it may help put your mind at rest. Hope this helps, you take care and please let us know how you are.🙂 Bernadette xx
Thank you Damon for your reply, I do think I will have to go to A&E, I’m seeing my GP again today. I had pneumonia and sepsis just over a year ago and my lung function has never been the same since or me for that matter, I’m much weaker than I used to be and tire easily. My GP did send me to hospital last week. Not the major one but, the next largest, they wanted to admit me but had no beds, and even worse no treatment rooms, so I ended up sitting on a bench for 12 hrs in a waiting room, I was supposed to be on 4 hourly nebulisers, but in that time I had one nebuliser and one dose of IV steroids. I was left for 7 hrs where no one checked me at all. After 12hrs I told them I was going home where I could at least have my nebuliser every 4 hrs and seen GP next morning. I was left in such an unsafe situation in the hospital it was frightening. I will see what GP says today and I will post, thank you again for your reply .
I would love to know how you are doing. Look forward to hearing from you. 😊 Bernadette xx
Hi Silver252 your experience sounds horrendous and would put anyone off going to a&e but that being said it would be a dangerous thing not to go to them. You were severely let down by them which has made you suffer more. It’s really worrying that they left you in that way and nobody checked on you. Perhaps your GP can help you today and put things right, I hope you get on ok and post us to let us know how it went. Xxx
Hi Silver, what on earth is your GP up to? You obviously have an infection which is not being treated properly at present. The history you describe means that you should have been referred to the care of a good respiratory consulrant a long time ago. The way that you were treated at the hospital was a complete dereliction of the duty of care towards you. When you see your GP inist on a referral to a good consultant. Meanwhile, If it was me I would take myself to the A&E of the nearest large teaching hospital. You need experts not idiots. I’m afraid that we do have to get angry and very pro active in our own interest and vociferous in sourcing the right care.
Good god it’s like s 3rd world country, We know the NHS are in dire straits but at the very least if you’re on treatment treat!!!
So sorry you’ve had such a bad time, Silver, and not had any of the help you need.
If you’ve got the strength left, do as Patsy and littlepom have advised....and try to access some expert help and care, as soon as possible.
We’re with you all the way - do so hope things get better for you very soon ❤️ and a hug xx
Have you been taking any medication before?
Hello All
Thank you for your advice and kind words, seen GP today she sent me to A&E we chose this time to go to the Major hospital in the area. Upshot was lots of tests and a great Doctor looking after me. His conclusion was that this was not just an aggravation of Asthma due to infection. They feel there are some other lung problems that need further investigation. He actually contacted the chest specialist while I was st the hospital and has asked them to follow up with me in an outpatients clinic.
You may know more about what he said to me today in that they were concerned that my peak flow was low 150 when I am normally 450 and that the nebuliser did not seem to improve it, they said it was the difficulty with me breathing out.
As I said I do have scarring on the left lung due to Pulmonary Embolisms and I also wonder if the pneumonia and sepsis I had 15 months ago had an impact on that lung too. So today was well worth going because if I hadn’t then this issue would not have been picked up.
Got to carry on with meds at home and see GP again next week. I would be grateful for your thoughts on this as I have no knowledge of COPD or like conditions, thanks again all really appreciated your posts
Hi Silver252 well I think your trip to the major hospital was a success and it looks like you will get a conclusion soon. I think you have been through the mill lately and at least they have identified there is a reason why your peak flow had dropped so low and the damage of your previous illness has made such an impact on your health. You have been neglected by the system and shouldn’t have been left so long suffering but at least that has been put right. I have had pneumonia twice which has left scarring but not had pulmonary embolisms perhaps others with the same thing maybe able to share their experiences with you.
I’m so glad you are getting somewhere with this and keep us up to date with all of your progress. xxx 😊