First of all,thank you to all who answered my panicky post! I have now had my first flu jab ever! I am sure that our lady doctor thoroughly enjoyed sticking that needle into my arm !! She had been one of the ones last year that had told me off for not having it! So far so good,re side effects unless they kick in later.I just felt slightly nauseous last night which was listed as a side effect but no soreness etc.I also got the results of my latest blood tests,normal!!!! They haven't been normal for 18 months ( high levels of inflammation) .This gave me such a lift. Here's hoping for a better winter healthwise than last year.
Flu Jab Update: First of all,thank you... - Lung Conditions C...
Flu Jab Update

Well done Aingeful! If you get a virus in the next ten days do not think that the jab has given you flu. It reduces your immune system for about that long whilst it is working to recognise those bugs. Avoid all virus donators at any cost and put First Defense up your nose or Cold And Flu Block around your nose and mouth. I hope you have a healthy winter.x

Thanks! Never heard of First Defence, I'll watch out for it.
You can get it at Boots. Lots of folks on here use it. I found that it was making my nose a bit sore so now use Cold and Flu block which is a cream which comes in a little tube. Also from Boots. Quite expensive but I think worth it.
Hi Aingeful
All that worrying you had over a flu jab a , well happy days and now you will feel better next year when you need to go and have one.
best wishes
Well Done, it is so worth having. I missed it one year and suffered, I'll never miss it again. Love n Hugs Hun. xxxx
Thanks Hacienda, I feel ashamed of how nervous I am about anything "medical" !! I've always been like that but sense has prevailed this year! Loved your photo btw! I too try to hold onto and treasure those happy times. Even, with all our problems, if we can enjoy life we are blessed?x
Good For You Hun, Thanks for the nice Comment. Wishing you & your family a Very Merry Christmas. xxxx
Glad to hear how you are reacting to the jab. 36 hours Following my first inoculation, I woke to find my left armpit lymph gland swollen to the size of a squashed orange. Scary, but it eventually went down and I’ve mostly had no problem since. Fingers crossed.