Red sky at night...: Hello dear BLF... - Lung Conditions C...

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Red sky at night...

50 Replies

Hello dear BLF friends,

Looks like winter has set in over the hospital.

Poor Mum has to have another foot op on Friday morning. This morning’s surgeon said his predecessor should have removed her in growing toe nail which was causing the infection in the first place.

Hope she’ll get there poor thing. All she wants is to go home.

Bea had an 18 tube blood test this morning! I thought it was for her anemia?? I’m trying to think positively ☀️❄️🐿🦉🌸

Trying to fill her up with juice, whole meal goodies but she wants an ice-cream 😃 low blood sugar I think.

Anyway forgot all about myself so I must be ok 👌

I think I will have an early evening and watch football on my computer!

Wishing you well xx


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50 Replies
Jazzkady profile image

Oh dear , I was hoping it was healing nicely . My goodness 18 tube blood test? What are they looking for gold? I hope your feeling better too, and the lovely Aria is now settled . 🐱

in reply toJazzkady

Thank you Jazz 😊

The lovely Aria is waiting to move back home tomorrow . Bea is going to camp it out! X


Jazzkady profile image
Jazzkady in reply to

I hope you will all be together soon.

in reply toJazzkady

Thanks Jazz xx

My my always something poor Fran and hopefully both your mum and Bea will be sorted and all ready for Christmas xxx I just love your pics Fran and if thats how all the hospitals are over there sign me up lol ..the parking is empty which is a rare sight at my local hospital even during the night hours there's always cars coming a going and the red sky is such a calming sight you have taken some good shots over time my friend xx Anyway hope Bea's bloodtests come back with answers and your mum can get that toe sorted this time round .... hope Aria is now settled back in lots of love Mel its nice to hear you are good today too enjoy the footie xxx

in reply to

Thank you my dear Mel 🤗🌸💕

skischool profile image

I think i need to send your Mum my ski boots Happy,plenty of room in them for poorly toes.Give Bea that ice cream she has earned it with all that blood letting.A good dose of champions league football will put your world to rights,especially if you give those scousers a good hiding tomorrow.

Love Ski's and Scruff's xx

in reply toskischool

Thanks for those Ski boots 🎿 Skis 🤗

I went to Jim’s British Market and stocked up in Cheese and Crackers, Mince pies etc So brought back some goodies for her.

We’ll try!! We must be better than Watford!

Have a good evening xx


sassy59 profile image

Hi Fran, wishing you, your dear mum and Bea well. Live that stunning sky. Xxx 🤞🏼😘💖

in reply tosassy59

Thanks Carole.

Lots of love 💕


Katinka46 profile image

Surely, surely sometime, somewhere something will go right for you and your family.Love and hugs

Kate xxx💐🌈🌤

in reply toKatinka46

Somewhere over the rainbow 🌈 🎶

Lots of love Kate 🦄

Fran xx

Damon1864 profile image

Hi Fran beautiful pic thank you, hope all goes well for your mum.

😊 Bernadette xx

in reply toDamon1864

Thank you Bernadette xx

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Oh golly gosh lovely Hidden , again the view from your hospital bed is very beautiful but reading your text,it just makes me wonder when you,Mum and Bea will all get a break,a rest from all the hospitals etc etc.

I fully sympathise with dear Mums predicament and it is upsetting as she just wants to go home. One plus point you mentioned was being busy with everyone else's issues,you've sort of forgotten about your own problems. I mean that is allowed now and again, lol.

If only we could get better far quicker and by better I'm not for one second suggesting we could run like Hussain Bolt but just a small degree of let-up now and again would just be so wonderful dont you think.

Sending hugs&love to you allxxx

in reply toSquirrelsHolt

Thank you 🐿!!

Yes Letting up sounds good 🥳☀️❄️🍷

Fran xxx

chubby2x22 profile image

Evening Fran. Your mum is surely suffering, doctors world wide are making silly mistakes. I'm interested, not nosy, in beas anemia. My gp ignored bloodtest results even after the hospital asked him to start treatment. My haemoglobin is 8.9 should be 13. I've now been told it's because of rheumatoid and empheseyma medication. Any advice would be welcome I'm taking iron tablets etc but feel worn out., as yet a reason for the drop has not been found. Jane

in reply tochubby2x22

Hi Jane,

I hope I can answer your questions. Your iron levels are definitely low. You have to keep on pushing. Have you seen a haematologist?

Bea is 39. She has always had heavy periods and was always borderline. She was given iron tablets to take with Vit C but I don’t think her body retains Iron. Which is why they are doing all those tests, especially considering my genetic problems.

She had typhoid fever in June 2017 I think. She caught it in Barcelona!

That depleted her of everything, she had chronic fatigue and got shingles in November 2017.

She has had a difficult time honestly.

She had one iron infusion then she took Floradix tablets but she still had digestive problems with those and stopped. They are good though I used to take the Floradix mixture for years. You can get it at the Health Food shop.

She takes loads of supplements given by a nutritionist. Honestly I don’t know but she said she felt better for it but felt she was starting to slip again, she recognised the symptoms so finally agreed to go back to the doctor’s. She doesn’t like doctors.

I wish you can find some answers to your problems my dear Jane.

Let me know how you are getting on.


Fran xx

Gino39 profile image

Hi there, so life is never boring then?🙄 Nice photo Fran. I'm still laid up but far too boring to discuss! I have my own mum to keep an eye on, fortunately at 91 she is often fitter than me! I'm also in bed listening to the football. Young Boys? I'm a red, though currently it's great listening to them if I need to sleep! I hope that all goes well with you as we run up to Xmas. Another year to come, and as ever we hope it's a good one...🤔😊🎄xx

in reply toGino39

Hi my dear Gino,

It certainly keeps me on my toes 😃

Still laid up? Is your chest bothering you?

Your Mum is 91 like mine, incredible! A different generation, fighters, different environmental factors..

Glad you can listen to the football. So Man U won. I listened to Lyons-City last night but PSG is playing tonight against Liverpool 😉

I love the run up to Christmas 🎄 my favourite time of year!

Let’s drink to that hey 🍷🤗🥳


Fran xx

Gino39 profile image
Gino39 in reply to

Hi Fran, always nice to hear from you. The Internet has given us this great ability to chat with people accross the globe. A little memory of Switzerland arrives with your every post🏂🏔🏥🧀😊 Yes we are lucky to have such robust mums! Yes my various chest problems have combined. You know what it's like! Not anywhere near as exotic as yours but they do drag me down sometimes😕 I've been trying to hold down a part time job which has added to the daily load. I'm due in tomorrow but still not sure if I'll be able to make it..Grrrrrr. As for Man U.. They were my boyhood team and it's stuck since then, though I just enjoy listening to exciting games, which is very rare with United currently! So untill we next chat. I wish you, your mum and Bea all the very best... Gx🎄💐xG

Caspiana profile image

Hi Fran,

I am sorry about your mum. She's probably had enough by now and who can blame her? I hope Bea's tests go fine too. Please look after yourself. xx 🌹☕

in reply toCaspiana

Hi Cas,

She has had enough but is hoping for the best outcome!! So are we!!

Thank you Cas. Hope you are doing well xx 💖


Hacienda profile image

Hi Fran, I too commiserate with all this bad Health News that you, Your Mum & Bea are going through. Sending Love & Positive thoughts your way. Besos XXXX

in reply toHacienda

Muchas Gracias Carolina!!

Esperamos que todo esta bien con mi

Madre y mi Hija.

Besos a ti y Buen día xx

Fran 🍀🌷

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to

Muy Bien, Amiga, estoy muy alegre entonces. XXX

HungryHufflepuff profile image

What a difficult time you all are having. Hopefully your mum's surgery will get her foot sorted out properly this time. I can't imagine having an 18 tube blood test 🤢 poor Bea! Enjoy the football, I hope it's a pleasant distraction from everything.

in reply toHungryHufflepuff

Thanks HHP 🌼


monju profile image

I wish her speedy recovery 🤗 😍 the picture, thank you.

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello Fran, good luck for mum on Friday. The picture looks a bit like UK at the moment very wintery.Things never seem to come in ones do they ? Take care and wrap up well if you have to go out, doesn't that sound old fashioned.? Thinking of you and your family xx

in reply tokatieoxo60

Hello Kate,

Hope you are feeling better these days, that physio helped.

Went to the flat yesterday, still loads to do. I can’t stay, no shower no heating but Bea is camping it out, she can get in the bath which I don’t risk anymore since my last fall, she has a mattress on the floor 😃

Aria was so happy to find her garden again she kept on running in and out for cuddles.

We had our first cup of tea then I walked to town and went to choose lighting. It took me ages! I mean only light bulbs everywhere. Finally went back up the mountain to have dinner with Mum, quite anxious about her op on Friday.

Have a nice day xx


katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Hi Fran, everyone gets anxious over ops. My shoulder is quite mobile now except the behind the back movement stiff & painful but improving over time. Guess what my greatgranddaughter fell off the sofa and broke her clavicle shes only three so difficult to prevent another fall. I forgot my prescriptions this week so have to get them later or may have to wait till tomorrow for dispensing. Theres a gale force wind blowing here, hopefully it will calm while I am out the skies lovely and blue again so fingers crossed no rain till I get back. Bye for now take care Katexx

in reply tokatieoxo60

Hello Kate,

Sure, it went well. We were at the Admissions office by 6.30 am. I’ve just put Mum to bed and I am under the covers now, it is 8pm here.

She slept most of the day because of the general anaesthetic but I didn’t 😃

The nurse said it was a big cleanup job and the doctor will see her tomorrow. She had 2 lots of Antibiotics infusions and will be on oral antibiotics tomorrow.

I’m sorry for your shoulder, it takes time..

Dear dear your great granddaughter!

Hope the weather improves so you can get your meds!


Fran xx

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to

Your poor mum! It shouldn’t have come to that. I’m glad it went well anyway, and hopefully now she will start to really get better. I hope you can get some sleep now too 💐

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Hi Fran, glad all went well with your mum and she will soon be feeling much better. Would you believe the sky was blue and sunny when I went for my prescription, and changed back to gloom and rain when I got home :) Take care , speak again soon. xx

in reply tokatieoxo60

Hi Kate,

Pleased the sky was blue part of the way 😃

I hope Mum will yes, she is so restless with it all. Definitely wants to go home on Wednesday, the doctor said it’s ok, so had to organise her trip with an agency nurse as I am going to Lyons Hospital on Thursday so it is all happening at the same time as usual..

Bea is camping out in the flat with an electric heater. I just wrote a stiff mail to the builders who said they hoped works would be completed by Christmas. I said they’d better be!

I will have to sleep on the bed settee in the living-room when I’m back from hospital. I hope they will have put in the radiators, if not I’ll have to find a B&B!!

Hope weather is improving!


Fran xx

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Good morning Fran, doesn't sound like a good day though with all thats going on for you. Know the feeling nothing comes in ones. Hope all works out for you,have my fingers crossed for you that it all comes together for Christmas, if not you may have to go for a Christmas break instead. Have a nice day love Kate xx

in reply tokatieoxo60

Thank you for caring Kate...Christmas break? Why not!


Fran xx

Shirleyj profile image

You've got a lot going on Fran, I hope your mum's second op goes well and Bea is ok with all her blood tests.

Lovely picture by the way, you make sure you look after yourself x🌺🏵🌺🥀

in reply toShirleyj

Hello Shirley,

Yes it’s been busy. Supporting Mum has been the main thing really. We didn’t expect a second op on that toe. Poor Mum. This surgeon looked quite confident with the outcome so I hope all will be well.

Next week we are all leaving, Mum is going back home, although I can’t see how she will be able to, but she is getting upset, she wants to go home; Bea is going to England for her best friend’s birthday, I expect she will have her results on her return 🤞;

I’m going to Lyons hospital to see the endocrinologist, a return trip I expect and the start of another long series of tests and meds!!

So here we are.

I wish you well xx

Fran 🌷🍀🌼

Kitten-kat23 profile image

I'm so sorry. I hope all goes well.

in reply toKitten-kat23

Thanks Kitten 🐱 x

Sorry to hear all that is going on Fran goodness me its got to end sometime. Wishing you all a better time ahead. Majt 😘 Xx

in reply to

Thanks Majt 😘 I’m sure it will. The cycles of life..

December is my favourite month, it brings me back so I will look at the lights, enjoy the fun and forget about the rest!


Fran xx

in reply to

🤞⛄❄️🎅🌈🎁 enjoy your December Fran

Izb1 profile image

Hi Fran, dont know whats happening to my updates on this site, I seem to be missing a few posts, so sorry for the delay.

Hopefully your Mum is now showing signs of recovery on her toe, I have suffered one of these for years but keep it under control now. Is your Mum back home now? If so am sure she will be happy, there's no place like home you know.

How did Bea's blood tests go? Hopefully all is well.

Another trip to Lyons for you, so tiring all this travelling, hope you keep well. Irene x

in reply toIzb1

Hello Irene,

Very kind of you to follow my soap story 🌷

I am glad your toe troubles are under control now.

Well Mum had to have a second op on her toe here on Friday, the surgeon cleaned the bone infection. She is adamant about going home on Wednesday as planned so I got all that organised for her but she is anxious about managing when she gets will be a little difficult to get things done.

Bea didn’t tell me a thing about her blood tests, I expect she will in time, she always does. I didn’t want to pry. Some results will take time because they are testing autoimmune diseases 🤞

Yes so Mum will be off on Wednesday and I on Thursday..I have been packing and packing..I am actually looking forward to see that consultant who may have some answers for me.

Then I will be camping on Bea’s mattress in our unfinished flat taking care of Aria until the 11th while Bea is away in England.

Hopefully moving to the bed settee in a heated living-room when she comes back.

I hope it will calm down a little I just want to sit down to a Christmas dinner in my own home and watch tv!

Wishing you well,


Fran xx

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to

Well my friend you have alot to deal with and I wish you well. Will keep my fingers crossed that your Mum gets home safe and sound and that you get good results from the consultant. And more than anything you are back home for Christmas xx

Titchykath profile image

You have lots to deal with in your life , hope everything gets better for all of you love the photo XX

in reply toTitchykath

Thank you Kath 😊

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