Has anyone recently been tested for cystic fibrosis? I already have bronchiectisis, mild pulmonary hypertension but my consultant wants to know the cause of my conditions, have never smoked either, I have an appt tomorrow at Whythenshaw hospital and I am very anxious about what they will do, I'm so fed up of being prodded and poked, could it be a sweat test? xx thanks in advance xx
Cystic fibrosis testing in adults - Lung Conditions C...
Cystic fibrosis testing in adults
There is no apparant reason for one third of people to have bronchiectasis. I have lifelong bronchiectasis. I had the sweat test for cf on my wrist twenty years ago. Negative. I just had the blood test looking for genes. I don’t have any cf genes. This is a pity from my point of view because with even just one cf gene you are entitled to the cf budget which gives you all of the drugs and support which also work for non cf bronchiectasis but which government discrimination denies us. The test for cf is just a blood test. I hope that your consultant is a bronch specialist and not just a general respiratory consultant because they are not fully trained in it. I suggest that you check and make sure that you find yourself a bronch specialist.
Thank you littlepom, that has helped a little, I get so stressed in all medical situations xx
Hi Diane, I’ve had BE for 70 years and it wasn’t until I was seen by my brilliant proactive consultant that I was given a sweat test, at the age of 60. I thought it was a bit odd as we know the cause was double pneumonia and whooping cough at the age of 5 months old, but he said he had a patient who tested positive aged 60 and the oldest positive was 80.
Please believe me when I tell you the tests have improved so very much from the tests of former years. The sweat test is really nothing to worry about and will hopefully eliminate cf. Here is a link which I hope will reassure you. There is nothing painful about it. The worst thing I found was being in an environment designed for small children and seeing little ones.
Good luck
Hi Diane. I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis nearly two years ago and and I have just had a blood test, which has shown that I do not have cf but am a carrier. I am 60 years old and there is no history of cf in our family. I see my consultant in March to discuss this. I'm not sure if this affects my diagnosis or not. All the best, Jenny.