Well it's been two years since my single lung transplant. It's not been easy I tell yer, 3 months after transplant I had to have my other lung removed due to aspergillus but that went completely wrong and I went into cardiac arrest four times and ended up in a coma on ecmo for three months with a trachy. Doctors said I wouldn't make it thru the night. Well I'm here two years on and enjoying life to the full. I've took my daughter to Cyprus a year after transplant and sox months ago took her to Florida for and adventure of a lifetime. Here's a few photos from start to today.
Happy 2 year lungaversary to me!!!! - Lung Conditions C...
Happy 2 year lungaversary to me!!!!

What a harrowing tale ejbid yet you survived to tell it thank goodness. Such wonderful photos and I wish you a long and happy life with your daughter. Enjoy! Xxxx😘😘
What a terrible ordeal but it’s so good to know you’re doing so much better now. I hope you are feeling better after being in pain the other day. Thanks for sharing your photos. You look fantastic! Happy 2 year lungaversary. Have a great day with your daughter 💫⭐️🌟✨
Thankyou so much! Yes I'm much better thankyou that pleurisy is not a nice thing to have! But we all have our ups and downs don't we. I'm just grateful to have God in my life or I wouldn't have got thru anything x
Yikes..that’s a quite huge ordeal....glad you’re better.
Well you are looking good now ejbid and you have been incredibly brave and courageous during such an arduous journey,from your comments i can see that you have belief in a divine being and that faith along with the love of and for your family must have given you great strength for such a tough voyage,i am glad that you are now enjoying life and your adventures are of a more pleasant nature.may they continue for an incredibly long time to come.
best wishes Ski's and Scruff's x
Thankyou very much, yes my faith is strong and my families faith is also very strong the support and love I have had is amazing and everyone on here with lung disease and / or waiting for transplants or not able to for unforeseen reasons please keep having faith stay strong x
Happy 2nd Lungverssary Hun, What a Trial you have been through. Now your over the very Worst, I wish every Happiness you Deserve with your lovely Daughter. I too am waiting for a Double Transplant. Love n Hugs . XXXXX
Thankyou! Have you heard anything yet hun x.
No Hun, I go to QE Birmingham next Month for my 4 monthly Tracking. I just have to wait, I'm sure I will get the Call when I'm Probably on the Loo or Shower, maybe at 2/3 am in the Morning. I think I have waited ling enough now. Not Enough Donors, that is the Biggest Problem and of Course me having these rotten Antibodies, My Match has to be at least 98/100 %. So I'll make the most of here & now. I am ok and doing everything I'm supposed too. You just concentrate on yourself. I wish You, Your Daughter & Hubby, a Wonderful long and Happy Good life Sweetie. Love n Hugs . Carolina xxxxxx
Your time will come hun I know it! and I will also keep praying you get that call and the match is absolutely 100%.
Your right there is a huge shortage in organ doners and more needs to be done to raise awareness. X

Thank You Emma, I am now just catching up on your Journey. I know you went to freeman, as my Friends Lisa( 3 yrs) & Sue(6 yrs)were there. I was offered to go there at first, but my Consultant in Nottingham said Birmingham is Nearer for me. so have been going there for this long and I have got to know everyone there at QE. xxxx
I was never given a choice of hospital to be honest but I'm glad Freeman was chosen for me as my team have been fantastic and my consultant is like my second dad! He has looked after me so well and even rings me in between checkups. My dad was also at Freeman (I had inherited the same lung disease from him.) he also had a lung transplant done by the same surgeon but he sadly passed away 8 years ago.,2.5 years after transplant due to other complications.. I'm really rooting for you I pray for you all the time I'm glad you have a good team around you and family to support you x

Thank you Emma, You are certainly an inspiration To Me. Another Lung friend at QE had her first call a few days ago, it wasn't to be, of Course she was so upset, But it happens and The Transplant Teams will only allow the Best match to happen. I Thank you for your Prayers, I like that Sweetie. Condolences for Your Lovely Brave Dad. Love n Hugs xxxxxx
Unfortunately it does happen and many calls come and not end up being a match which must be devestating. I was very lucky as my first call was a match. Please keep me updated with your progress and keep doing what your doing. All your gym sessions keeping fit keeping as a give as you can be of course your going to have good and bad days that's to be expected. But keep going just keep thinking of that light at the end of the tunnel. X
Thank goodness it all worked out, I'm sure your daughter is proud of having a very brave mummy.
Thank you very much x
What a harrowing experience Hidden . I am so glad you are doing okay now though. I have been on the waiting list for seventeen months. Waiting for a single lung.
I wish you continued good health. 😀
Warm wishes,
Cas xx 🙋🐕
You’re looking so well now it’s hard to believe all you’ve been through. So glad you’ve been lucky enough to come out the other side, and are able now to spend precious and happy times with your family. So pleased for you, and your family too.
Hope all continues very well for you now. God bless xx
Wow !!!!! Bless you Hun ,you have fought hard and won !!!! Everyday is a new day and I wish you health and love for all of them xxxx
What a dreadful time you have had ejbid, but you are strong and are surrounded by love and have come through this terrible ordeal with a very good positive attitude. I wish you and your daughter a long and happy life, enjoy every single moment. Couldnt open the photos, but Im sure you are looking good today. Love Irene x
Thankyou so much everyone for your kind comments
My God! You've been through it! Happy Anniversary. X
Thank you for sharing that. You are truly inspiring. Such courage. Good wishes and well done you. A real survivor.
Thankyou x
Thank you for this wonderful photo record of your road to recovery, from this photo at the start, to the lovely encouraging photos of your life since. All the best.
Thankyou x
Well done lad you have made my day with your bravery and the brilliance of the amazing people who did your opp,also it’s the poor people that you leave behind you. Again well DONE
Dear Ejbid how brave you have been💕 so pleased you finally had your op and you are doing so well now. Your photos are beautiful and you are an inspiration to others living your life to the full with your hubby and gorgeous daughter. You are in my prayers for continued happiness 🙏 Many hugs to you Goldie09 xx
wow you've been through a lot and come out the other end- have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute with your family x
Thank you for posting this; it just shows how faith and perseverance pays and you have certainly come through it. Have a well deserved lungaversity x
God bless you...enjoy the fruits of the joy of living! 🙋🏼
You go girl 🐞