Not Heard from Caspiana for a little while, Any one know where she may be. I was wanting to send a message, can't bring her up. Thinking of You my Transplant Buddy. Love n Hugs. xxxx
Where is our Caspiana ?: Not Heard from... - Lung Conditions C...
Where is our Caspiana ?

Go into members at the top of your screen and type her name in the member box. This will bring her up. x
Fingers crossed that she's ok and Chom is keeping her busy.
Last reply 12days.
She’s still a member Carolina and hopefully doing well. Xxxx
I was thinking I hadn’t seen her for a while. Hoping she and Chom are doing ok.
I thought of her the other day and wondered why she hadn’t posted recently. I hope she has just been busy and not having other issues.
I have been wondering too. I hope everything is okay.
I sent her a PM, 14 hours ago, No Reply yet....
Letting her know we are all thinking of her will cheer her up, hope everything is ok for her x
I do hope Cas is ok!
Isn't she just one of lifes 'nice' people-always giving friendly & kind support to anyone needing advice or help!
Thinking of you Caspiana..hoping you are well 🌸 💐
Sue XxX