Happy Birthday to two of our lovely, supportive and very valued members.
I hope all goes well for both of you today, Caspiana and hypercat54 : Caspiana enjoy your trip away with your beautiful daughter and Hypercat, tell us what you are up to.
Yesterday I went to the funeral of one of our neighbours who died of emphysema, lovely, brave, much loved woman, (standing room only in the chapel) and I was delighted that the collection was for BLF. I had nagged her about joining the forum. Beautiful humanist service.
Still and misty up here with the hills wearing a white shroud.
With love to all of our dodgy lung club members. For the Scots among us have a great Burns Neet. I am just off to hunt our Haggis.
Kate and Zebra who is busy honing his dirk for the ritual stabbing of the poor blameless Haggis.