Two more days: Until appt w... - Lung Conditions C...

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Two more days

34 Replies

Until appt w pulmonologist and I'm scared with every fiber of my body. What questions do I need to Ask? How do prepare for all of this? Just sick to my stomach

34 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi can't help with the questions I'm afraid but I do think it is very important you are able to accept the findings if they show nothing is wrong. I am a bit concerned you won't believe them as well as your doctors and will continue to stress over it. x

in reply to hypercat54

No way HyperCat I'll be on my way. Took a lot of guts to make this appt. I'm praying it goes well.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

That's good news. I sincerely hope you have no problems. x

in reply to hypercat54

I do too. I am worried tho as you can see. I'm not this kind of nervous type of individual. Fear has gripped me.

TomTitTot profile image

Hi, I can't help with any particular questions, but as a person with sixty years of breathing issues, I would say this. The more anxiety you feel and the more you present as anxious the less likelihood your breathing issues will be seen as paramount.

Remember, doctors view a patients' demeanor first. A busy pulmonologist has patients with severe, chronic and life threatening disease. When they're meeting a patient for the first time and taking their history, they are also assessing, how that person is breathing as they talk, whether their colour is good, are their fingernails blue, etc.

So, my advice is this, explain your concerns calmly. Tell the doctor why you are feeling as you do, what you are afraid of. Make it a partnership. And, recognize that you may not receive answers immediately and too, you may not like them.

Ask the doctor for clarification of anything you don't understand, and where you can best get further information.

Best of luck! Take care,


in reply to TomTitTot

Thank you

megshafer profile image

It's going to ok...the anticipation is worse, than the appointment. Promise. Been there!!!

Take care good care of you.


Ergendl profile image

Good luck with your appointment. Are you able to take someone with you? It sounds as if you might be too anxious to take in everything that is said.

in reply to Ergendl

Yes wife thank yoi

Badbessie profile image

There is an old saying that " Knowledge dispels fear". All of us suffer anxiety to some degree and you are looking for answers without knowing the facts. My advice would be to listen first and then ask questions. Without details into any condition then it is very easy to gain misconceptions.

lKeith profile image


Hi again, don't beat yourself up about it, if you just answer their questions, take any tests that they need and be straight with them. Tell them of your fears and ask what possible treatments are open to you. there are treatments out there thro' the NHS but be prepared to travel. Importantly get their answers to possible hospitals will/can offer treatment.

For your own part hunt down the lung valves & coils, ( I will have a look thro' any paperwork I still have & let you know) unfortunately there are 2No separate providers but each one will advise what hospitals are carrying out the process around the UK.

Please don't get in a lather about it, be firm onr questions, at a young age you could get a lung transplant, lung reduction surgery at least. (once above 60 it's all down to you)

Your advice to me has brought some good news but I am finding out it is nigh impossible to get a nurse,doctor to supervise the infusion of a non UK approved substance, which he is prepared to send over but as a fall back I may have to go over there. still have a few strings to pull over here but do't hold out a great deal of hope.

Lets wish each other the best of luck.


Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply to lKeith

Intrigued about the 'infusion'. Can I be nosey and ask what it is?

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to lKeith

Hi lKeith .

I'm sorry to take liberties, please don't take offense, I am just curious. I am wondering why you would encourage anyone to think about transplant or lung reduction surgery, who has no confirmed diagnosis of lung disease as of yet. I would not wish either on anyone who did not have sure need for it. Surgery is a treatment option for sure, but only for end stage lung disease which our friend Rigcu1 has not, at this present stage. Surgery certainly is not a cure, but a treatment, and comes with enormous risk.

Sorry to sound rude, and perhaps I have missed something here. Not picking a fight you see. Just politely curious.

Have a lovely day,


lKeith profile image
lKeith in reply to Caspiana


Hi, I was suggesting to the member that because he has an indication of a lung problem that all may not be lost as there are alternatives out there rather accept the worst scenario.


Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to lKeith

I see.

Gravel profile image

Good luck and best wishes. Try to calm because stress makes everything so much worse.

donut43 profile image

Take someone with you to help with the questions. Write them down before you go. Anything you do not understand ask them to clarify it. Explain how you feel and how you get on with daily tasks. How you would like to feel. Can anything be done with medicines to help improve things.


Thank you everyone may whatever God you believe in bless you over and over. My grandma told me growing up that every time you bless someone the good Lord blesses you twice. If I'm going to believe anyone, it will always be her. Have a good day, I'm going to make an effort to do the same. Rich

Update I passed spirometer exam c.t. scan monday

I don't know what my numbers were but she said lung size and major things I did meet. Which thank God for good news heading into weekend. C.t scan is on Monday and I worry about those results. But I'm going to keep praying for positive news.

Ct scan came back clean. I'm very happy but lost at same time. Going to try and kick up the therapy. I imagine if I had any problems it would show in the CT scan right? Both the radiologist Dr and my lung doc reviewed the images. Looking for feedback on that and thankful for that report.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to

Very, very happy that the scans were good Hidden . As Skis had said , the best thing ever is when someone has good results. I hope things continue to improve re: your anxiety issues. Take good care of yourself and enjoy life with your family.

Cas xx 🌸

in reply to Caspiana

Thank you Cass. I'm thankful but still worried. But time to move forward. I mean if a CT scan shows nothing, then it must nothing! My doc says if it looks like a duck walks like a duck, then it has to be a duck

I'm thankful for everyone who has been helping me through this.

skischool profile image

Ricgu,We have been all happy to help you,you may not have liked some of our advice but in the end it was all given with your best interests at heart,we are all very pleased that you have come out with a clean bill of health and persevere with that therapy for your anxiety.

now enjoy your family, go out,enjoy life and live long and healthily.

best wishes Ski's and Scruffy

in reply to skischool

I will skis thank you. I have to tell my self, you have real symptoms, but your thoughts about them are not real. Taking 30 days off of work to work on myself. I love my family and like you all have said they need me. This has been hard but again somehow I met all of you for a reason. I'll still be around for support as well for wveryone. I've always believed we are here to help each other. And it's not always sugar coated so thanks for all the feedback.

megshafer profile image

Told you everything was going to be ok!!! Yay!! Just had a feeling they would be. CT scans show every little thing in your please don't waste your heartbeats on second guessing.... (trust me, I drove several Radiologist, batty!!! ) Don't smoke, again or be around second hand smoke ...this was a gift to you from the universe.

Enjoy your family....take very, very happy.


in reply to megshafer

No more smoking period. Didn't like it just did it socially after drinking. So easy fix for me. Just need this back pain and possible acid reflux to go away... yet more symptoms to drive me insane. Oh and get some sleep please. Got some new meds from shrink. Take care

megshafer profile image
megshafer in reply to

Happy you quit smoking. I quit cold turkey, never have really thought about it again, I too was more of a social smoker. Sleep and healthy food are so good for you!!

Rest well....

Take care,


in reply to megshafer

Thinking about doing a fast. Try to get system cleaned out. Maybe start 3 days go from there. My whole body aches right now. But I've been shaking from anxiety so need to stop all that. Give body a rest, and mind!! My digestive system feels like it needs some healing as well

Thanks red Sox!

megshafer profile image

Three days nicotine out of your system no matter what. When your nerves calm down, everything will fall in place. Be easy on yourself, that will calm you down.

A couple good night's sleep, will be very good for you!!


Had anyone heard from lkeith?

Off the cuff question, anyone here suffer from respiratory acidosis at any time?

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