Hello guys n gals let me introduce you to my two wee pals.. on the right is Nala the Pom but thinks she is a Rottweiler and Max our rescue dog who is the most placid loving animal I had ever come across .. Max was found with a noose round his neck and his legs bound together but hey that was over 15 years ago and just look at him now!.. these dogs I absolutely adore and some days they are better than any medicine I’m on.. they take my mind off me!.. just thought I’d share a nice thought for once xx
My two wee friends.. : Hello guys n... - Lung Conditions C...
My two wee friends..

Hi twin, so you love dogs as well. My Kerry is like my baby ( a fat cuddly baby, the vet keeps saying she must lose weight) your dogs look beautiful. How could anyone put a noose around a dogs neck, any animal. Disgusting.
How wonderful that Max found you though 🙈
It is like the advert with the dog waiting for his new owner to come into his life and his knitted toy. I agree on bad days they make you feel better. They give unconditional love to us .
Love your post ❤️
Twinnie .. I agree I just love animals if you treat them right they will love you unconditionally xx
So, so true. In fact they are generally much nicer than people. Look at the terrible things we humans do to each other, often for no reason other than selfishness. Animals do not commit the same kind of acts for pleasure as we do.
Love, love, love this Candyred . They are adorable. My Chom is also a rescue. He was abandoned in a flat with five other dogs. No water and little food. They were found a week later. Two of the dogs succumbed. I cannot fathom why people would do these things. Thank you for sharing.
Cas xx 🙋🐕🐾
Nala looks like she is intimating to max if you go for that ball i will bite you where it hurts most.love the photo...best wishes Ski's and Scruff's x
Thanks for letting us meet your dogs 💞
Animals are such great company and, like you, they stop me thinking about me. I don't understand how some people can deliberately hurt animals.
Thanks for sharing a nice thought 🐕
Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I too am an animal lover and have three little white fluffy ones who I adore. Animal love us so unconditionally and always greet us with so much happiness. Mine too are rescues and daily I am shocked to hear about the cruelty to animals world wide.
My dogs and horses keep me positive every day as they love us coughing, wheezing and out of breathe ha ha.
Morning Hun, Beautiful Babies, Couldn't live without my Baby Girl. They do distract you for all the right Reasons. They keep us going and each new day is such a pleasure with them around. So many being stolen these days, we have to keep them safe and secure. Their Unconditional Love is for life. Thank you for letting us see them. XXXXXX
Good morning Candyred. Thank you for sharing your lovely companions with us. You may know from my posts that I have a nine year old pom, Twinkle. He is the comforting, cheering heartbeat in my life - and I am the servant in his! You are right, poms believe that they were born to be the Lionking. Have a wonderful day with them, staying out of the projected heat I suspect.xx
What a lovely photo of two amazing dogs. I can’t abide cruelty of any kind and people need to be kinder to each other and animals.
Enjoy your day. Xxxxxx
Thank you for sharing your photograph of your dogs. They’re gorgeous. It’s diffi to understand why anyone can hurt another living creature, but it does go on. I also have two dogs and they are my reason for getting up in the morning. They a schnoodles and both have the most amazing, loving personalities.
Oh what a joy animals are Candyred . Not only do they give us so much love and loyalty they give us the pleasure of loving. They're both beautiful and look like good friends too. Sheila xx
Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful dogs thankyou for adopting a rescue dog 🐶
Thanks for the smile. Your pals are beautiful. :))