I remember reading a posting from a member who called himself 'Puffthemagicdragon' and I've just done a search to see if I could find him. Sadly, it showed that he died 3 years ago, I think I would have liked him.
Which brings me to my subject title, Searching. The search engine here (the box shown on the right of the 'HealthUnlocked' heading) is one of the best, and I suspect is not used to it full advantage, judging by the number of repeat questions asked. With it, and a bit of nous, you can read postings relevant to you now, or from interesting members who have past on or have previously posted under different names, as I have myself. Do a search on 'Yashi', or 'himself' to read some lovely postings written by much loved Irish lady who died quite recently and there's much much more of interest which I'm sure you will enjoy.
Have a play with it, there's a mass of knowledge and pleasant reading hidden there.