Who gives this certification ? our GP ? My respiratory nurses said yes but GP didn’t know much about it, I hope to go to US one last time to visit husbands family, bought my Inogen G3 which is acceptable with most airlines so any info on what I do next please Sam
Fitness to Fly: Who gives this... - Lung Conditions C...
Fitness to Fly

Just a point about your G3 you need adequate battery power for the journey plus 50%. Check with airline what size battery is allowed. I believe some will not accept the double cell battery only the single cell.
Thankyou Stone its frustrating getting everything together I have 2 16 cel and one 8. Airlines seem to want you to book before they give you info. But booking and paying what happens if you don’t pass the test, you loose. Sam
I have had many fitness to fly tests. Your GP can refer you to a hospital or your respiratory consultant.
The airline will issue you with a form for your consultant to fill in and sign then return to airline. If oxygen is required the airline will supply and put the cylinder under the seat in front of you.
I little warning. Some airlines want to charge you for an extra seat most have no additional charges. I fly to Australia often - 25 hours and air hostess changes the cylinder half way through flight.
The oxygen is to help the heart.
I have found the airlines most helpful. Never had a problem. Ask them about refunds.
I recently had a fitness to fly test before I booked my seat. No problem.
Hope this info helps.
Have a super day.!!!
Which airline do you use when you fly to Australia please?
I now use british airlines have used virgin. Flew once with Singapore airlines, fantastic but they charge one for an extra seat if you need oxygen. Gave that up poste haste. 😂
Bottom line - British Airways is my first Choice now to Sydney.
Take care
Hi, I've several conditions and when I asked my GP she referred me to a different hospital where they are to do a range of tests which are predominantly lung and o2 related. I hope this helps.. Take care.
I do not no the situation in all areas but at Glenfield hospital you can have a fitness to fly test. In the room they can simulate aircraft pressures and then advise on how much oxygen you need during the flight etc. As you local respiratory unit got a similar place. They will also give fitness to fly certification.
With which Airline do you intend to travel? If British Airways or Virgin then oxygen can be provided at no charge. But you have to arrange everything in advance with their medical people.
BA : britishairways.com/en-gb/in...
Virgin: virginatlantic.com/gb/en/tr...
Thankyou HuwieHex that helps the internal flights are with Delta Virgin don’t share my info with them having a nightmare trying to sort it Deltas EU base is France I’m giving up on phone calls for today, beginning to confuse myself and thankyou to everyone who sent their info to me I’ll let you all know the outcome many thanks all 🤗
I've had the same problem, normally my GP has given me a short walk test up a flight of stairs, when I've eventually made it he tells me I'm fit enough to fly so get on with it.
Mind you my flight time is about half (ie 4 hours) opposed to around 9 hours, but as much of the time is spent "at rest" even with cabin pressure he recons I'll survive. I couldn't do 9 hours anymore & wouldn't attempt it.
Go talk to a private doctor, it may cost you but it's better to be safe than sorry especially (God forbid) you had a problem during the flight, the insurance company wouldn't take a 2nd look at any claim. I do the 4 hour flight quite often & can't even get insurance for multiple flights.
Good luck to you & enjoy your visit.
I have had my fit to fly test done in hospital and have a copy of the report but need a letter from my GP which I have to pay £30 for. I have also had to pat £300 for my holiday insurance and £125 to rent portable oxygen whilst in Spain. No wonder I haven’t been away for 5 years it takes me that long to save up the money
If you use oxygen then you need to go to the Respiratory Centre where you had your test done to decide whether you needed oxygen and how much you need.
The test will take awhile and and will include you oxygen mask whilst you breathe in air that is similar to that inside an aircraft at altitude. You will have your oxygen levels checked and depending how your oxygen level falls you will be given oxygen and your blood gasses checked again to see whether you are having the correct amount of oxygen.
You will then be issued with a certificate to say how much oxygen you will need on your flight. The airline will like you to have had the certificate 30 days before you fly.
The Respiratory centre will have a list of the type of portable concentrators that airlines allow you to take onboard. I went to Jamaica in May and had the test done in February to see if I could fly and how much oxygen I would need. I then went and book my holiday. I needed two litres per minutes during the flight and my travel agent arranged everything with the airline. I had another test done in April and it was the same 2 litres.
I have a Inogen OneG2 portable concentrator that I use for Cruises and I use this to get on the aircraft and then change over to the cylinder that they had ready for me to use.
Be aware that travel insurance will be very expensive especially for the US.
Hope it all works out well for you and you have a great time with your family.