Ageism In NHS Is NEW Euthanasia Execp... - Lung Conditions C...

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Ageism In NHS Is NEW Euthanasia Execpt Your Unaware

14 Replies

Shocking eh ... but what if it was true and you reached ripe old age of 70 and found your self with a serious medical condition AND neglected abandoned and left to suffer at home.

That would be truly shocking BUT what are the chances of ONE person like myself who knows of TWO instances.

Unbelievable BUT quite sad and true.

Well here GO’s and you the reader decide’s.

Two women with serious medical conditions ONE in her mid 70’s and other in her late 80’s worlds apart and two thing’s in commen ME and left and abandoned by the NHS to suffer at home under guise of receiving delayed treatment.

We my aunt IS still at home waiting for treatment appointment’s quite I’ll.

Doctors have said the not worried about heart but blood clots.

Yet done nothing but tell her to come back in 30 days for heart ecco SHOCKING how can suffer heart attack artiral fibration heart block ongoing blood clots yet sent home with out proactive treatment.

Am no doctor but surely stents pacemaker or even home oxygen given lung disease copd would of been tad better than F ALL

Then we have the other lady ONE in her 80’s suffering from acid reflux bloating green bile and constipation lump near belly button.

Under went test AND not once as she stayed in hospital or had proper GP intrest given she had not been toilet 🚽 for a month or eaten out.

Scan marked urgent was left three weeks of month long issues befoure she had to chase it up with doctors GP’s

For a month she was rolling round in agony WITH her GP telling her to take paracetamol to eases the pain.

It was only when doctor GP looked at scan results she was sent to AE suffering from septic ovaries OR overion cancer.

How can one person KNOW so many cases of chronic neglect in our health services in such a short space of time.

Truly unbelievable

Here is link re picture in post AND yes can you believe it’s still as bad toaday in our NHS hospitals as was back then

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14 Replies
judg69 profile image

I agree with you on this one, Jeff. Not sure if it is incompetence or just not caring at all. Horrible! judg69

in reply to judg69

Hi i would like to think was incompetence but most are specialist centres CLEARLY it must be the just dont care.

greatauntali profile image

I am of the opinion that once you reach an age when you are likely to cost them money, they either ignore you or try to kill you off by some other means.

It is frightening situation but one which is all too real and it has gone unnoticed for quite some time.

It is only now, thanks to forums such as this, that the scale of the problem is becoming more widely known.

in reply to greatauntali

Hi greatauntali i don't think your far wrong I remember time when elderly aged was respected BUT with war long gone open boards life as become so cheap replaceable valueless.

Have noticed those that value borders value the population WHATs it mater now we areall organ donors now

knitter profile image

Then there is the other side of the 96 year old father in law was operated on for a blocked intestine and survived another four years, my father was given treatment after a stroke in his late eighties and lived for three more years, was given physio and tube fed.

I have experienced both good care and have seen indifferent I must admit

Hi knitter thats how it should be unless stated by suffer.

Glad he received treatment and did well SADDLY think we are at time in NHS where they have been that cut chopped marginalised THE just dont care UNLESS of economic value

sassy59 profile image

That is shocking JAS and I don’t like to think about it but we’re all getting older.

I do know that Pete has coronary artery disease and an attempt to stent after his heart attack earlier this year failed. He has blood thinners and an appointment later this month.

Apparently, after perfusion scans, he has enough blood flow so no concern yet the blockage is still there. The docs are reluctant to do anything because of sarcoidosis/COPD. I am there to fight his corner but pity those alone. Xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Your Pete's is an unwell man Carol but dare I say he's very lucky to have a strong caring women like you behind him,look after yourself and the very best of luck/ health to you Pete because you are both an inspiration to the rest of us with your supportive posts..kind regards Ger

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Thank you for your very kind words Ger. We look after each other and deal with each day as it comes.

I wish you well. Xxxx

Maggie153 profile image
Maggie153 in reply to sassy59

Morning Sassy I’m so glad Pete has got you to fight his corner and a strong loving woman he has in you!! I’m sure that over the years you’ve been there for each other. It’s so nice to know you have someone to look after you and fight your corner if need be. Sassy you do help all us followers on here good luck but take care of yourself. X

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Maggie153

Morning Maggie, thank you for your lovely reply and I hope you are as well as you can be.

Pete and I are lucky to have each other and family nearby.

Take care xxxxx

Maggie153 profile image
Maggie153 in reply to sassy59

Yes you are like myself my husband really helps me and my daughter is also caring and she’s the one who speaks to the doctors. We are both blessed and very lucky. Have a good day. Thank you for your nice reply. Take care xxx

Carnival567 profile image

In all fairness I can't say I have experienced this; my husband and I are both 75. My husband has just received excellent care at Gloucester Royal Hospital, and I go to the equally good hospitals in Bristol. It is the press that makes me feel a nuisance, not the NHS. Yes there are delays and waits that seem never ending, but often they seem longer because we are worried. The doctors obviously want to find out exactly what is wrong with your aunt before treating her so they get things right. As for your even more elderly relative, her GP is certainly not helping her, but more likely because they don't know or don't care, but given that this applies to many cases across all age ranges I shouldn't think her age has a lot to do with it. It is another illustration of having to push for an explanation! I do think the NHS has huge difficulties, and we hear too many cases of carelessness and neglect, but these seem to be caused by human failings rather than deliberate policy! Unfortunately these cases cross all age groups. The other side of the coin is that I hope they don't go on keeping me alive when I get to the stage that life is not worth living!

katieoxo60 profile image

This picture you react to is so true of how some older people get treated, many are like this in their own homes too. It is a sad state of affairs which no one seems able to address. Very frightening to those of us of more mature years also. I'm always being told to take care of myself and realise I am one of the lucky ones who at present manages but as we live to older ages this problem will increase and it is a form of ageism as you say. Have a good day

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