Was on daliresp for five days. Had to discontinue taking it as psychiatric symptoms were intolerable. Hope another medicine is available. Heard of Symbicort, is this helpful to anyone? I have stage 3 C.O.P.D. Thanks
daliresp: Was on daliresp for five days... - Lung Conditions C...

I have been on Symbicort for about a year & a half. It helps but I still have a awful time getting enough air to breathe properly when I walk just a very short distancebor even just take a sip of water out of my water bottle. Just saw the lung dr again on Wed he said my tests show I only have 43%lung function. He gave me two samples of Stiolto Respimat. I can not work the activation button because I have no strength in my fingers because of the Arthritis so its useless to me. Hope you like Symbicort.
Hi I have been using Symbicort for many years. I find it suits me very well and definitely helps my breathing. Barbs
I use Pulmicort but still having flareups. Maybe the doctor will increase dose. Daliresp was a nightmare. Sam
I was not able to use the new inhalers lung dr gave me samples of. Becuse of very bad arthritis thruout my body I can not activate the pump. I pusher the button as hard as I could but nothing. Not even using my thumb. Just put it back in the bag. Maybe my granddaughter who was born asmatic can use them.She spent so mush of her childhood in hospital hooked up to 3-4 IVs at a time. What gets me depressed is the fact that I have never smoked not even one cigarette my entire life. Now lung dr tells me he thinks my vocal cords are not opening enough to allow me to breathe properly. Wants me to see a ear, nose, & throat specialist since on the oxygen meter that they put on my finger reads 98%. Now I cant even get oxygen just till they figure out why my lung capacity is only 43%. Starting to hate drs. Think they know it all but I dont agree. I think they mostly just guess at what your problem might be. I hope you get to not being depressed. I was too for a lot of yrs. I have been on Cymbalta for about 6 years so not as bad anymore. Take care my friend.
Dear Sharon, so sad to hear you never smoked and still having lung ailments. I smoked for 35 years so I accept my diagnosis. As far as Cymbalta I was on Lexapro and it helped. But it was too stimulating and had to discontinue. Dr. just started me on mirtazapine 15 mg at bedtime. A potent anti depressant and also good for anxiety. Hope it kicks in soon. Had to stop sleep med rozeram as I gained 10 pounds in two weeks. Went from 190 to 200. Pulmanoligist wants me at 180. I'm 5'8 tall. Am between flareups and thankfull I feel good at present. Thanks for being my friend, Sam
Hi I use Pulmicort which is same drug as Symbicort. I fluctuate hourly between feeling good and having labored breathing. Feeling sad over sudden onset and progression of stage 3 COPD. I'm seeing GP today and am going to start anti depressant medication. Will keep you posted on if it helps with sadness and feelings of despair. Sam