Respiratory Physio recently started me on breathing exercises and huffing to deal with constant mucous problem which makes me cough badly most of the day. Have only been doing it for 3 days ( 15 mins twice daily ) but so far it seems to increase the mucous/coughing all the rest of the time as well - anyone experienced this ? and does it improve if I stick at it ?
Reduce endless mucous related coughing - Lung Conditions C...
Reduce endless mucous related coughing

Hello 1carus,
Yes it will increase the amount of mucus but only because it's shifting the muck that's been lurking in your lungs! At first you will produce more but it will calm down after a while. At the moment it's a bit like a spring clean.
Do keep an eye on things like colour changes, thickness, smell of the mucus you produce.
All those changes can be a sign of infection. It's a yucky job but worth checking. Once you get to know your normal mucus changes are a great indicator of how well you are keeping.
Best of luck xx
Well it doesn’t increase it, it makes you cough it out. It is actually in there blocking your airways.
So carry on with the exercises, best thing ever.
Good luck and take care x

many thanks - will keep it up
I gave what is called a flutter device my doctor when asked gave me a script for it and it so helps get that awful phlegm up and out of my lungs, I first heard about it when I was on pulmonary course a lady gave a demonstration and I was amazed, I hope you are able to learn the huff also it does really help clear awful mucus lungs x
many thanks - am getting to grips with the huff process but will check out the flutter device when I next go to my physic
Acapella, Aerobika also help (there are others). PEP devices such as the Aerosure can also be useful. Your physiotherapist can advise about these.
Do you do the breathing exercises / huffing (also called Active Cycle of Breathing) more than one cycle? I do at least 3 cycles. I have to do it before I lie down to sleep (or if I leave any phlegm in my lungs I need to cough when lying down!) so I keep on until there is nothing more to cough up. I then also use my Flutter device to get up the last bit. There are videos on YouTube to explain ACBT, some from hospital physiotherapists.