Hi everyone, little update for those who have been following my posts.
Had a couple of weeks off work, one sick, one holiday, went back in yesterday, lasted 2 hours before the boss sent me home, told me to get a sick note for as long as possible and not to worry about returning.
I'm having chest pains and breathlessness whenever I try and do anything, my lungs feel like they are on fire after an hour or so of work. To be honest I havn't done much apart from lay in bed and i know this is probably my biggest problem, as my lungs are not getting to work as they need to and when I do something they are telling me off lol.
Have cardio tests tomorrow but i dont think it is anything to do with my heart but worth getting checked out.
I know i need to get out of bed and stop feeling sorry for myself or I'm just going to go downhill fast. I believe i am on the waiting list for pulm rehab but i will double check with my nurse when i see her this week.
There is no job to go back to in 5 weeks so i need to get my head together and start getting my strength up now.
I had a good day when i was off and managed to do a bit of shopping without any issues, thought i was on the turnaround but then the next day i couldnt get downstairs without needing a nap afterwards.
I would like to think a lot of it is in my mind but the pain tells me otherwise, is it worth checking out youtube for videos on the best exercises to do until i get on the rehab course?
Its difficult for me to get motivated at the moment and sometimes have to force myself to even eat when i know im going to get breathless when i start preparing something. I dont want to be this way and theres only me who can do anything about this.
Any encouragement is greatly appreciated.
Hope everyone enjoyed the summer we just had, back to a nice couple of rainy days here.
Take care.