Well I had Christmas week off work due to Flu and chest problems, two days back in work and then off again due to flu symptoms (maybe a cold) and chest problems then 3 weeks back in work and again off with chest problems and flu symptoms (given Tamiflu tabs this time). (it should be noted that Christmas and New year are normal working times here in Saudi) Now back in work and again blocked nose headache and feeling terrible with shallow breathing again. No idea why because I have been wearing surgical mask, been religiously washing hands and face and keeping away from any sign of coughs and sneezes from other people. This year so far has been a nightmare for me and it is only February:). I have no idea what else to do except lock myself in the apartment until summer or until next trip back to the UK.
I think the AC here is not helping as it must be spreading the germs around wholesale. Still trying to work out what the locals are doing with it, 18C outside and AC set at 26C or 27C so stuffy and reduced oxygen concentrations but when it is 40C outside they drop it to 18C to 20C and you again have huge temperature changes which are not conducive to a healthy environment. Really need to think about stopping work and returning to normality.
Really fed up with things at the moment, but I guess it could be worse.