I have COPD stage 4 and on oxygen 24/7. Since around the end of last summer I have had a constant cough which just seems to be getting worse. Coughing up phlegm but never dark enough to assume its a chest infection. Doctor always gives me the impression that it is normal but surely it isn't. Now getting to the stage where neither of us are getting a lot of sleep due to me coughing most of the night, Any help or advice would be appreciated please
Constant Cough: I have COPD stage 4 and... - Lung Conditions C...
Constant Cough

Hi ginger music, I've had a dry cough since Xmas and it's doing my head in so I can imagine how you must feel having it for so long.
I'm not very knowledgeable on coughing up phlegm but surely the Doctor must have something he could try to ease it.
A lot of people on here take are prescribed a mucus thinner, I think it begins with carb- something. Maybe you could ask him to let you try it. Or, maybe you could see another go at your surgery. A different one may be more willing to try help because not being able to sleep will wear you both into the ground and it's not fair for him to fob you off. xx
Thank you I have tried Carbocisteine in the past but it did nothing for me so stopped it. Yesterday I woke feeling really unwell so I called my Pulmonary team of nurses and one came out to me. She said that although my phlegm had not gone to green as we are told is then a chest infection, the fact it had changed and was a lot thicker than it had been could well be a sign that a chest infection would fully develop so suggested I started my emergency pack. I did that yesterday after lunch and hey ho amazingly I have only coughed twice since. She is going to phone me next Tuesday to see how I am doing. Thank you for replying
Hi gingermusic, I take carbocisteine to thin the mucus and for me it helps, ask your doctor for the mucodyne as that seems to work better. The dry cough I have had since before Xmas is very tiring and nothing seems to ease it and I have tried everything, Im sure your doctor could give you a linctus that may help. Does it help when you have a shower, the steam seems to ease a cough and helps to break up the phelm. Keep warm and stay well. Irene x
Unfortunately I have not found that to be any use to me in the past. A Pulmonary nurse came out to me yesterday and told me to start my emergency pack as she felt that due to the phlegm having got thicker it was likely I was heading for a full blown chest infection. Do I did that yesterday and have so far only coughed twice so hoping this may clear what ever it was. Thanks for your reply
Thank goodness for the nurse, at least you have some relief, take care x