Death???? : My lung Dr told me I should... - Lung Conditions C...

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Sjf129903 profile image
16 Replies

My lung Dr told me I should start thinking about am I supposed to handle that except denial and shock.

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Sjf129903 profile image
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16 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

I'm not surprised it was a shock bless you. I do hope you are ok. Please keep posting . Love Bernadette 😳 xxx

sassy59 profile image

Hospice doesn’t always mean death but some doctors need to be a little more sensitive.

I don’t know anything about going into a hospice but have only heard good things. Xxxxx

ary88 profile image

Is this an opportunity to find ideas and further support, giving you more choices? I wish you well. :)

1buzzytruk profile image

A friend of mine often goes in to a hospice , does her the world of good. She stay for a week or two then back home . Sounds as if your doctor like a lot of doctors is somewhat thoughtless in the way he 's approached the subject .......why not give the hospice a ring and if possible go and see them .Think you will be pleasantly surprised..


So sorry Sjf x x The illness is beyond challenging throughout. Sending loads of thoughts your way. BLF helpline and NHS have info on any questions you may have but really your doc should have at least referred you to support person who can help you through.

You may have found information already but if not maybe check out this website:-

Love Bkin

Sjf129903 profile image

My Dr told me and my daughter to discuss it and give her feed back at my next appointment in 6 weeks....

andyrrc profile image

Really sorry about the situation.

If I may give some experience from my personal experience.

My father (now 82) suffered with Polio in his early childhood which lead to a lot of other problems with his health through the years including emphysema which has been with him since the late 60's early 70's. We were told that he would be dead by the time he was 60 sometime in the 80's. This of course was a blow to us all at the time. But he did give up and fought hard to remain fit and well. He had Cancer of the Kidney and a growth on his Pancreas which lead to having half his stomach removed along with part of the Pancreas and also the kidney about 5 years ago. Two years he started with dementia and then early last year he had a major fall and had bleeding on the brain which lead to him being hospitalized for quite some time.

To get to the point :) he was put into a Nursing Home come Hospice, because the doctors thought he had very little time left, about 10 months ago and has not looked back since. Due to the continual care he gets he is looking better now than he did 2 or three years ago, yes his dementia is still progressing but his other problems whilst still evident are seemingly much better and his quality of life has improved enormously.

Hospice does not always mean the end and for some like my father it has been a newish beginning. Keep your chin up and look for the positives.

My thoughts are with you.

Sjf129903 profile image
Sjf129903 in reply to andyrrc

I keep telling myself that it's just a new chapter in my life

Shancock profile image

I'm so sorry perhaps our GP could have been bit more diplomatic.

Our friend's mother goes into a hospice from time to time and it does her the world of good the care is amazing. She has several conditions including heart issues but is still going strong and has quality of life, the hospice is like a well derserved break.

Go and see some with your daughter and chat with them I'm sure they'll be very helpful.

Caspiana profile image

Hello Sjf129903 .

I don't believe hospice always means impending death. Hospice can help patients who have a limiting illness. It helps not just the patient but family members as well. I know that hospice can give financial advice, social support, counselling, some therapy like massages, symptom control and pain management if applicable.

I think the doctor could have explained it better. Perhaps a chat with the hospice staff will help your have a clearer picture.

Sending best wishes.

Cas xx 🌻🌞

mrsmummy profile image

My doctor talked to me about using a hospice. That was 7 years ago now and apart from going there for a PR course.... :)

Sjf129903 profile image

Thank you everybody I'm trying to look at this whole thing as the beging of a new chapter in my last book...I do believe every stage of copd has different stages ....the reason i put last book is because as of yet there is no stage 5

undine profile image

In early 2016 I was told by the specialist and hospital to put my house in order. I made my Will and employed a care agency to visit 30 mins a day to help me cope, as I live alone. I also started my Death Plan. In October 2016 after an overnight stay at the same hospital I was told there was nothing more they could do for me so really just don't bother coming back. I was put on palliative care with a form saying I had 6 to 12 months to live and had a very nice nurse who visited 2 or 3 times meanwhile I upped the hours to 2.5 a day with the agency as I was finding it hard to cope, rested listened to my body and tried a few things like the Vicks first defence etc. i am still here over 12 months later i am aware of gradually deteriorating but slowly I still have to plan my funeral and of course have many loose ends I should get around to - I don;t say I am ready for my death but I do not mind thinking about it something we will all have to face and maybe I am lucky to have the time to come to terms with it and make things as painless as possible for other after I have gone. There may come a time when I will need a hospice or I may die at home - a hospice in your case may just be as others have said a suggestion for a small respite for your family or to get your strength up, thing is you are still alive so many paths are still open to you - take care xxx

Sjf129903 profile image
Sjf129903 in reply to undine

Thank you I've been trying to look at this as just another chapter in my last book but even I've noticed a rapid decline in my health this past year but again I'm still in some state of denial that I'm sure won't go away and on the other hand i have days like today where I just don't care anymore whatever happens...happens I'm a mess

undine profile image
undine in reply to Sjf129903

Sorry you are feeling a mess at present - I realise I have had a lot more time to come to terms with all this and that it is still very raw for you - sorry - did not mean to be so inconsiderate - don't worry about being a mess - sure I was at first and depressed and angry and sad and everything else - guess I just wanted to say whatever the experts say there is no hard and fast rule to our disease or its progression - as I have learned from this site many people survive far, far longer than they had originally been told, and wanted to show you despite their predictions for me I am still here so there is always hope - meanwhile rage scream cry do whatever you need, even give up for the moment - all these will pass - even despair - again take care xxx

Stumpy55 profile image
Stumpy55 in reply to undine

Hello Sjf129903, no wonder it was such a shock, your doctor needs to Learn people skills and sensitivity is not his strong point either. I do feel for you, but it's really not the end of the world. Please let us know how you get on . Sending you lots of good wishes✋️😊

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