Hi friends, I’m still struggling with the constant mucus hours a day etc still unsure exactly where it is all being created consultants can’t seem to say, reflux ? PND? Lungs? I am constantly reminded of my breathing problems which is creating massive anxiety issues, it’s the constant scratchy pressure at the back of what seems to be deep in my throat does anyone else have this and do you know of any relief for it, I’ve tried honey, sucking mints,,,.. .... thanks all suggestions really appreciated xxx
Hard scratchy feeling deep at back of... - Lung Conditions C...
Hard scratchy feeling deep at back of throat

HI, I suffer from the same problem and despite taking the meds prescribed to reduce the viscosity of the mucus it does not seem to go away so coughing a lot. During the day it is manageable but at night terrible. One thing that I have found helps with the scratchy feeling in the back of my throat is Fishermans Friend lozenges. (Menthol and Eucalyptus) These are the sort of thing that, like Marmite, you either love or hate. Personally I always have a packet to hand and it is one of my primary purchases when I return to the UK (in Bulk) as they do not appear to be available here in the Middle East.
Hope this helps
My cupboard islike a chemistsshop, strepsils, fishermans friends, potters mucus coughpastilles, I find paracetamol helps in the night, some say salt water gargle, honey and lemon drink, use breathe easy strips at night to help dry mouth caused by mouth breathing. Hope something helps you.
Thanks for that as well - shows it makes sense to follow all the threads here you learn a lot
Yes dry mouth is something that always bothers me. I will see if I can find the breath easy strips here - not sure I can as the majority of meds here come from the US but will see. As I use the inhaler in the evening I also Gargle before bed - I use Betadine Mouth Wash (not available in the UK as far as I aware) this is a 1% iodine solution, great for when I get oral thrush from the steroids in one of the meds I take.
I get my BreatheEasy strips online from Chemist Direct and have been pleased with their service. I had tried one or two other online sellers but didn't feel they were the real thing - came unstuck.
Hi Lyd my problem is the PND is running down my throat into my gullet and lung would it help that do you think it’s awful when I wake in a morning xx carol
I find a good blob of vicks vapour rub under my nose and jakemans throat and chest soothing menthol sweets help.
Thank you all for your kind suggestions I really appreciate it xx