For approximately 3 weeks when clearing my chest/throat of mucus or coughing up sometimes, I have noticed some small bits of blood, Sometimes blood stain mucus, I went to the doctors just over a week ago who checked me out and said he could hear something on my lungs, He prescribed me antibiotics and sent me for an xray and blood tests. On Friday I went back to the doctors for my results and he advised they were all normal, Yet still I seem to be bringing up small bits of blood amongst the mucus ans sometimes on its own. I have also noticed (sorry for tmi) that the thick mucus that comes from my nose ocasionally has it in also. I have suffered for many years with mucus/phlegm every morning but am now concerned having seeing blood amongst it. I am 34 years old, Heavy smoker for approx 15 years but quit when I turned 30.
Was hoping for some advice from maybe someone who has possibly been in the same situation. Im unsure of what to do next as admitidly I do slightly suffer with health anxiety and my doctor must hate the sight of me. Would it be wise to give it some time to see if things pass or would you go straight back to the Gp's?
Any advice much appreciated.