I found stem cell therapy as an alternative addition to traditional medicine and medication. The care plan is simple they take your stem cells out of your blood and then give them in an abundant flush right back to you. Anyway I’m hoping this post reaches people who can give me a few reviews on the topic. The treatment it is rather expensive.
Has anyone had experience with stem c... - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone had experience with stem cell treatment therapy to combat COPD???? I would greatly appreciate your review :-)

These claims are just not true!
There is at present no way to take stem cells from blood and turn them into lung cells, stem cells that can become any other cell (non differentiated) are only present in embryos, but many unscrupulous clinics abroad will offer treatments that only serve to reduce your bank account but will do nothing for your health, stem cells from blood or bone marrow will not form new lung tissue!
Hi. The lung institute in USA do stem cell treatment. Its about £10000. There are a few members who have had this treatment. One lady initially found no improvement, however, she is gradually improving and reports feeling good.
There are a lot of nay sayers who think its a waste of money, and don't recommend you even consider it. I am looking into it. I get bronchiectasis news weekly and there is a stem cell trial being run at present and I am awaiting the results.
From what I understand they can derive stem cells from your blood or bone marrow. The bone marrow route is the most expensive,and is the most invasive,however there is the opinion that this delivers better results? Cant speak from experience obviously but this is yhe route I would take.
Whenever I read something that is too good to true ( and it is expensive ) it usually is.
I have a family member who is a doctor of biotechnology and a researcher in this field, she works for a major university and assures me that you can harvest stem cells but it is not possible to get stem cells from blood or bone marrow that would be usable for this purpose there is a lot of research being done and one day we may have a treatment but at the present time the science is not there blood stem cells cannot be changed into lung stem cells, you Carnot make a silk purse out of a sows ear as my mother used to say
and if in the future .. there is a breakthrough with stem cell therapy who thinks the nbs will pay for it.
meant 2 say if.sorry

it may be more cost effective in the long run
For people who don't believe how fast medical science is progressing Might I suggest they search for medical science and News and get the daily news letter, Then they will know and NOT guess what works and what doesn't.
People will feel thankful for all the hard work that is going on and hours of testing etc. Don't be a guesser be Enlightened and thankful
Tom don’t be a naysayer please. Also realize we are the ones who are being monitored for research in the name of science and for pharmaceutical corporations. Exacerbations are mainly caused by infection because we can’t clear the mucus build up this treatment loosens up the mucus to clear. By forcefully training your exhale to keep the lung in shape and doing things like this to help fight infection and clear mucus,....I don’t think you need a medical scientist to tell you that,.... it’s more common sense
Hi, they cut the nerve that produced the mucus and some who have been on oxe get off it and most are better for it.
there are too many people who assume things and tell worried people their assumptions are FACT.
I believe anyone who is worried should be given true facts and good advice NOT ASSUMED answers.
Hi stem cell treatment has been around but not so easily accessible in UK, have you found somewhere, if so I would like to know where please?. There are a number of clinics in Germany, USA and the far east Bankok, France & Dublin Ireland to name a few. The UK doesn't seem to recognise it as much. There is a person who uses this forum but lives in the USA, near Tampa. They have had the stem cell treatment which appears to be positive & working. Please check with mrsmummy (administrator) as I don't know if I am allowed to give out details. The person concerned is named rabroome.
Hi lKieth. Do you have a link for the clinics in Ireland and France? I have never come across these.
Hi, sorry don't have link with me, am on holiday but the person who has stem cell is Rbroome, this is near the Tampa clinic. The Dublin contact is direct with the hospital St James Hospital Dublin, go to haematology dept about the 3rd Level down prof ? Sorry don't have anything with me re France. Try "what clinic" for Germany. or "clinical trials" for USA. Will know more when I get back to UK about 2 weeks time.
The person named rabroome is not answering any mails, i sent him message to ask how his treatment is working, no reply
my husband had stem cell treatment 2 months ago for IPF we are also waiting for positive result, in first month of treatment he was feeling much more better, after a while he had infection so level of his oxygen gone down, but stable
We was told treatment take effect after 3 to 6 months its now 2 months periods so we are hoping goes well.
Hi, how did the results go ?
asfaan_abs husband has recently passed away. healthunlocked.com/blf/post...
Yes I do know where but in the United States
Dear Amsbli
stem cell did not work for my husband, so i would not advice anyone to go through with it i know its hard to live with this horrible disease
it might work for copd but not for IPF
do take care what ever you do and do lots of research