Hi..: So they transferred Dad from the... - Lung Conditions C...

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So they transferred Dad from the care home to the hospital..They did a thoracic CT scan, pleural effusion has tripled..he has a diuretic pump and a catheter..cardiologist stopped the anticoagulant to enable a punction in 48h but they may not do it in case the heart cannot take it..

So Im there with him for now. Bea is coming to see him and get me. Doctor phoned my brothers to inform them but no one in sight.

Take care everyone xx


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46 Replies
Kitten-kat23 profile image

Thinking of you all. xoxoxo

in reply to Kitten-kat23

Thank you 😊 xx

breatheeasy1 profile image

Oh Fran I'm so sorry you must be worried sick. He is in the right place with people who can offer him the right treatment at least, and he has you with him. Hopefully the others will be in touch very soon .

I truly hope he improves and I am holding your hand, albeit through cyber space... Love and healing thoughts...❤💙💚💛

in reply to breatheeasy1

Thanks Anne. Just got home..Tomorrow I have to go to Geneva Hospital in the morning. Then I’ll go up..He is in pain and they don’t want to give him meds that suppress his breathing..Awful..don’t wish it on anybody. I said to Bea palliative care for me!!!

Talk to you tomorrow xx


breatheeasy1 profile image
breatheeasy1 in reply to

Hi I know it's an awful stage to be in. I do feel for you. You have to trust they know what they are doing and have your dad's best interests at heart. I wish you well tomorrow morning and for your visit to your dad in the afternoon hon, don't forget to save a tiny bit of time for your own well being. Sending hugs and positive thoughts xx

in reply to breatheeasy1

Thanks Anne 🤗🤗

I’m so sorry Fran. I am thinking about you and your Dad.xx

in reply to

Thank you 😊

2greys profile image

I am sorry to hear this too, time to give your brothers a kick up the backside, it is not fair to lump it all on you.

in reply to 2greys

Thanks 2greys xx Well they have been told to come by the doctor. Dad said tonight where are my boys..what can I possibly say..night 2greys xx

cofdrop-UK profile image

Oh I am so sorry Fran. Such a difficult situation for you and your dear Dad.

Love and healing hugs


in reply to cofdrop-UK

Thanks cofdrop x

Oh Fran what a bad time your having xxx Always there posting wonderful pics .,happy cat poses and a wealth of knowledge so i can safely say there is alot of people on here wishing your dad a speedy recovery and I know I speak for everyone who has had the pleasure of getting to know you on here that you should be proud of all you have been doing for both your dad and your mum and they are very lucky to have such a caring loving daughter .. Your ill yourself and still you chose to keep that from your parents so as not to worry them so we are all here thinking of you xxx hope your dad continues fighting xx x once again take care your lam sister mel xx 💞💞🌸😊😊xx

in reply to

Thanks my LAM sister 💕

Bronagh2015 profile image

A very painful and difficult time for you Fran, wishing you the strength to cope with it all. 😘 Bronagh

in reply to Bronagh2015

Thank you Bronagh 🦋

Yatzy profile image

So very sorry, Fran, that your Dad's is having such a difficult time. I do hope he's able to respond to treatment, and is in the hands of caring and knowledgeable staff. We'll be thinking of you both, and Bea. Take good care. We're here if you want to talk. Big hugs 💕💕 xxxx

in reply to Yatzy

Thank you Penny for your kind words

I hope so too. I don’t want him to suffer at his age, especially as he doesn’t understand what is going on with him. He didn’t remember we had just been for a CTscan. Anyway I have to be patient.

Good night Penny xx

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to

A little confusion may help him through just now. Goodnight, Fran. Hope his boys turn up for him tomorrow xxx

So sorry Fran, thinking of you. Majt x

in reply to

Thank you Majt xx

hopetorun profile image

Dear Fran our thoughts are with you. I hope your dad will feel better soon. You are not alone. Take care of yourself lots of love dxxxx

corriena profile image

Sending prayers for you and your dad.

mellyme profile image


Phil40 profile image

Hi Fran, nothing I can say apart from my thoughts are with you and your Dad.

My brother is like yours as I may have mentioned before. Couldn’t care less about Mum but she still is convinced the sun is hidden up his colon. How does that work? I hear it all the time; one sibling cares whilst the ones who are conspicuously absent are cherished by the parent. And my brothers wife is just plain nasty!

My thoughts, prayers and good wishes are with you. I really came very close to crying a river when I read your post last weekend I think, because your post pushed so many buttons for me.

But I am not to cry until everything is over as I have to stay strong for Mum because no one else does. And then I do not think I will stop crying for quite a while.

Hope you don’t mind but big hug 🤗 Fran. I hope my daughter would be a fraction of the woman you are if she had to be.


in reply to Phil40

Oh Phil you are so very kind..I am sincerely touched by your comment..I didn’t wish to recall bad times..

I suppose I have allowed myself to say words here and express feelings I can’t to my own family. It isn’t fair to all of you.

What I can say you have all helped me to go through those hard times. Somehow it is also a perception of my own anxieties, seeing my Dad suffering from a pulmonary disease and its painful outcome.

Well now I have just have to wait and see but thinking over the day last night I have decided that I will tell the doctors this afternoon I will not have my father suffering unduly. And as I am his next of kin it is my decision to make.

The boys have made their beds and can lay in it. It is certainly a disappointment to me, one which will not be easy to forgive but it would only bring me ressentment and rancour if I didn’t. As the elder sister and a mother, without turning the other cheek, I believe that showing compassion is an important element in life’s harmony.

Lots of hugs too xx


knitter profile image
knitter in reply to

Dear Fran, thinking of you today at such a difficult time.

I went through a similar situation with my father, I was an only child so many of the decisions were in my hands, but I had the help of my three daughters which was invaluable.

As you say , showing compassion both to yourself and to others is an important element in life.

Sending you my thoughts.

in reply to knitter

Thank you for sharing Knitter xx

Phil40 profile image

I doubt there is anyone reading your posts who would feel you have been unfair or brought up anything bad that wasn’t already there.

I have a very strong belief in the importance of sharing these things and that is why this forum is so valuable and important.

Being able to feel one is not alone with the feelings and experiences is so powerful and your posts help me process my own journey.

And you are absolutely right in not resenting siblings for their lack of help, compassion, humanity? etc.

I spent a long time feeling very strongly about my horrible brother and his wife but my wife has shown me how to let that go along with people such as yourself. I actually feel sad for him now because I am have been blessed with the chance to get to know my Mum all over again, to laugh and have fun and remember days long gone, and to give her the care she deserves and see her happy, even though she is so unwell.

I went over today with my wife, daughter and 5 year old and 2 year old grandson and to see how happy Mum is to have her family around her is amazing.

I suspect when Mum has gone I will have nothing further to do with my brother but for now I maintain a cool relationship because that also makes Mum very happy and I can put up with him for that!

Big hugs 🤗 Phil

Shirleyj profile image

Hope everything ok. Take care x x

Dedalus profile image

How worrying for you. Hope your siblings turn up soon for both your dad and you. Sending hugs xx

Lindy-loo1949 profile image

Fran.. all the best to you and your dad. I am sorry your brothers are M.I.A. how thoughtless. Take good care of yourself, you can't afford to get sick.

in reply to Lindy-loo1949

Hi Lindy

Thank you 😊 Im at the hospital.

Dad is in intensive care, now his kidneys have stopped. They give themselves 24h if it doesn’t improve with the meds he goes in palliative care.

Thanks again xx


Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to

I'm sorry Fran. Do you think this news will shake your brothers into action? That must be extremely sad for you that they're doing this. I am really truly sorry

in reply to Lindy-loo1949

Not really..since the doctor spoke to them they are asking for news, ..my thoughts are more with Dad suffering presently..I think they will come now


Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to

I sure hope so.

in reply to Lindy-loo1949

For him..so he can see his sons but I am not sure they will arrive in time. One is coming from Asia and wants to spend time with his daughters back home from American Uni for their holidays, the other told me he has his four children arriving from London and wants me to put Dad on the phone tomorrow to say good-bye.

So looks like Bea and I will be making arrangements..

Bye for now xx

breatheeasy1 profile image
breatheeasy1 in reply to

Hi Fran I'm so sorry to hear things aren't improving. My thoughts are with you and your Dad..❤❤💐xx

in reply to breatheeasy1

Hi Anne

Thank you 😊

Who would have thought his kidneys would give up?? He never had kidney trouble before..

Anyway Bea and I are going back to the intensive care tomorrow hoping he is still conscious so we can make a little Christmas do..

Hopefully my brothers will arrive at the weekend..

How are you and the girls??


breatheeasy1 profile image
breatheeasy1 in reply to

I know, it's unexpected and such a shame poor soul. I hope he's not in too much pain. He's so lucky to have you and Bea there for him, I know how hard it must be for you right now. Support each other whilst supporting him, and I think you're right to make the most of the times you have together while he's conscious. Even if he isnt, he'll know you're there.

Hopefully you're brothers will make the effort to get to him soon and support you too. Don't let it eat you up inside...it's not worth it.

The girls are ok, finally finished school today in a flurry of nativities and parties. I have had a tough week so I'm glad the school runs are over! I need a rest. Onwards to Christmas now I suppose!

I hope tomorrow goes well for you anyway...lots of love and cuddles for you all 💓💓xxxx

in reply to breatheeasy1

I bet you need a rest. Take care of yourself xx

Hacienda profile image

Praying for you & Your Dad Fran,. You are the first to offer Valuable Advise for everyone on here. I don't always respond but I read your comments Nodding my Head. Be assured, everyone here is wishing you the very Best and warmest get well hugs to your dad. Take care my Dear. xxx

in reply to Hacienda

Thank you Hacienda 🦋

charlie73 profile image

Hopeful prayers for your dad I hope you all have a great xmas💕🌷

in reply to charlie73

Thank you Charlie x

Ergendl profile image

You are both in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you both this Christmastide.

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