Hi guys,
I have had this ongoing cough for several years now. When I was younger the doctor I spoke to told me it had become somewhat of a habit.
It isn't a bad cough at all just really annoying. It get's worse after I do any kind of exercise...when playing football or going for a run.
My doctor still hasn't been able to give me a proper diagnosis. I have tried some kind of nasal drips recently and also have been told that I don't have asthma. Since the nasal drips didn't work I have pretty much just given up as it takes ages to get seen to by my doctor and nothing seems to help.
I'd like to consider myself relatively healthy. Over the last year or so this cough has just been playing on my mind all the time. It is so frustrating and I would love for it to go away.
I have also made the mistake of reading up on stuff online and I have started worrying a great deal. I know I should try and avoid this!
If anyone has any advice or information it would be greatly appreciated!