good morning to all. I have not been sleeping that well lately and for the last couple of weeks have woken up around 2.30am, sweating two or three days in a trot and then sleep well the next night. I have just on me a throw-over and counterpane. Did try a duvet but far too warm just yet and found it heavy. I thought I would be past night-sweats at my age, so I am assuming it may have something to do with my lung condition or the gout. Any comments would be most welcome and I thank you in advance. cheers all.
sleep pattern.: good morning to all. I... - Lung Conditions C...
sleep pattern.

Hi Spooks
Sorry..You are not the only sleep is so bitty I feel exhausted when I wake up or is that called waking up? Anyway until I pop in the pills and inhale the inhalers, have breakfast then another cup of coffee before I reach the shower and kick myself out of the door.
Ideas..tell your GP, exercise if you can, get some fresh air, fatigue leads to more fatigue..have all the sleep herbal teas in the a banana at milk and honey? Use a hot water bottle..listen to a very boring radio programme..
Fran x
Some pineapple before bed and camomile tea is a good natural sleep remedy.
When you wake can you try some deep breathing technique sniff the rose blow out the candle helps me nod back off if I wake in the night might be worth a try xxx

Thank you Angie. I will give that a try. I have started to keep a diary of my activities during the day and evening, to see if something is triggering the sleeplessness and the sweats. Nothing standing out at present. I find I can sleep during the day without a problem. but try not to do so as then not sleeping at all at night. Even the tv as boring as it is does not seem to help. It maybe just a passing phase of my condition. It should resolve itself hopefully in time. take care.
I know that feeling if I sleep for 10 mins during the day im on the tiles all night hopefully it's a passing phase and your not coming down with something. Try reading telly can be so boring or listening to music through headphones ...take care lovley xxx
I am at the stage where I have forgotten what it is like to have a decent night's sleep. At best, I get 3 hours before I start coughing and fighting for breath. I am then forced to get up and it usually takes at least 2 hours before I am "fit" to do anything. Needless to say, I am exhausted all the time and now dread going to bed because the waking is so bad.
I hope you find a resolution to your current sleep problems.
Hello Greatauntali. I am sorry to read your nights are not good. I appear to be faring better than you. I manage to sleep most of the night every 4/5 days - well for about 5 hours consecutively. I try not to doze during the day but it is hard, more so after meals. Think I need more fresh air. but the cold puts me off going out too much. Hope you find something to help you soon. take care.