Bad thoughts and panic attacks. - Lung Conditions C...

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Bad thoughts and panic attacks.

Sophs_82 profile image
23 Replies

Hi im Sophie and im on 150 mg of serterline anti depressant s for the past 7 years ive had negative thoughts as i suffer with ocd in negative thoughts. Lately it's come back terrible and im getting bad panic attacks everyday i cant function properly , feel like im in a dream everyday and always checking my pulse and oxygen levels on my phone samsung app . My question is its always normally 64-74 bpm and oxygen is always 96-100 but im panicing now to walk around because i checked it by walking and oxygen went down to 72 ;( please help is this bad??

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23 Replies

Hi Sophie. I wouldn’t take any notice, you can’t rely on your phone’s camera for a proper SATS reading. If you’re going to be freaked out at least get a proper medical-grade oximeter. Why on earth are you doing this to yourself though Sophie. Life’s so short, you need help with these terrible panic attacks so you can stop worrying and get on with living. It’s a lovely day out there 😊

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to

Ive had these problems since i was little i think the thoughts coming back are bringing on the nerves feeling which is making the panic attacks worsen . I have 3 beautiful kids which my son who s 16 had serve autism and i need and have to be strong for them i live for them im trying so hard to be strong . I cant and will not let it affect them . Thank u so much for your reply☺

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Sophs_82

Hello Sophs_82 .

Hidden is right about the app. I don't trust those phone apps. I understand the feeling you get with panic attacks. I had them very badly too a few years back. I used to have a hundred scenarios running through my head and 90% of those were not logical at all, but at the time it seemed like life and death. The panic then went from a level one to a level ten in seconds. I too used to live for everyone around me. I put everything and everyone first. It wasn't until I realized I had to stop putting myself last that I began to see some light. I got counselling and a good mental health professional and started to open up to my family about my mental health.

I know you love your children very much. I understand. I have two girls myself. But getting your panic under control is of the up most importance before anything. You are very important to your family but also you are also important to you.

Panic attacks, depression and anxiety can be helped but you can't do it by yourself. You need support.

Sending you calming thoughts.


Cas xx 🌹

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to Caspiana

I know thank you very much 😘im waiting on a phone call to go back to CBT and get my anti depressants sorted as mu doctor said serterline stops working after 2 years x

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Sophs_82

Well that's a start right there. Getting your meds sorted. xx 😊

Mommie5 profile image
Mommie5 in reply to

I know where your coming from sofie im the Same way every morning is the worst ive living with panic attacks and anxiety for 17 years i Italy gaffe a medication that helps allot but lately i haven't been able to get it from my Dr and now have to goo to counseling to get it which i don't mind counseling but i don't see why i should have to go to get a medication that I've been on for 17 years

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to Mommie5

Its to see why you suffer panic attacks to get to the root of the problem so they can work from there to help deal with the problems that bought them on ..but just know ur neva alone im always here for a talk if u need x my doctor told me mine stop working after 2 years really wish he hadn't said that only thing that i thought was making me feel better ;(

Lyd12 profile image

It ismiserable for you to feel so bad. Sometimes you need to ignore these readings and if you can find something that takes your mind off how you feel, you fnd those bad feelings are less noticeable. What do you like to do as a hobby? Knit? Crosswords? Books? These are my refuges when I need distraction. Of course, good company is best of all but not always available.

This is a good place to find sympathy, understanding and some ideas. Stay with us as we help each other. Love Iris x

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to Lyd12

I know its selfish because so many people have hard lifes with real problems but its just really getting me down putting me off exercising or even going for a walk . I cant afford to be like this as my kids need me but i enjoy taking my kids on days out and friends and company x thank u so much for your reply it means alot.

knitter profile image

I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks and some of the things I have found helpful were relaxation exercises, yoga, and meditation. I had a qualified teacher for all of them at first, they can help with any issues that may arise.

As Lyd says, distraction can help too.....puzzle books, crosswords , colouring books, anything to take your mind off the panic.

Have you tried the pursed lip breathing technique.......breathe in gently through your nose then out through your mouth gently but with pursed lips. Repeat a few times. Hyperventilating can cause panicky feelings and then make panic worse , try gentle nose breathing

But first go back to your GP and explain how you feel.

Good luck with the CBT.

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to knitter

Yeah but its the slow breathing and chest pain that gets me always feeling like im in a dream but i keep trying to occupy my mind with different things but being alone is what brings em on . But thanks for the advice much appreciated

Carnival567 profile image

I so sympathise with you. I know exactly what it is like to live with an autistic teenager as my son is autistic too, although not diagnosed until he was 25. He is now 41 and married, but I still dread conversations with him even though I love him dearly, so I am not surprised you are depressed. I am still on anti-depressants and the dose has just been raised because I was getting so bad. Dealing with autistic people is like herding cats, and when my son was still at home I used to stand in a corner and say to myself 'autism means self-cetredness '. I hadn't been dxd with lung disease at the time, but I did have heart disease, and being so tired all the time does not help in difficult circumstances like your's. I hope you have proper help with your son, and perhaps you might be able to find somewhere to give him a residential break for few days. As for yourself, please go back to your gp and get your prescription improved. I have been on antidepressants since my younger son was born, nearly 40 years, and I know I wouldn't be able to function without them. My gp was really supportive and helped me a lot and my new gp is the same, thankfully. I hope you get the help you need, your doctor is definitely your first point of call. Take any help offered. Many blessings xxx

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to Carnival567

My son s non verble and won't talk so he communicates with pec s and makaton which is like pic s and sign language . But i leave him too much and it scares me most if something happens to me when he gets older whos gonna look out for him because he ll neva be independent and live on his own my horrible ocd thoughts about my kids is what i think causes the panic attacks cos of guilt x but thank u so much only docs can help now x

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to Sophs_82

I love him too much i meant not leave .

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply to Sophs_82

I'm not surprised you feel like that. My son is definitely verbal but misunderstands a lot. After he left school he had several breakdowns and we were really worried about him, so I do understand. Do you have a social worker, and have you contacted the National Autistic Society? I spent a lot of time working to get my son help, and it is very hard work. You have nothing to feel guilty about, although somehow a person with autism manages to make you feel guilty. All the best xxx

Sophs_82 profile image
Sophs_82 in reply to Carnival567

Thank u i dont feel guilty about what happens to him if something happens to me because he needs me and i could nt live with out him x

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Carnival567

*HUG* 🌹

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Carnival567

Carnival567 *BIG, big hug* 😘

judg69 profile image

Hi Sophia, I have been very successfully on 75mg sertraline for 15 years, and it is still working fine. Is that a GP, Pulmonologist or whatever that told you sertraline does not work after 2 years? I would be very wary to get off sertraline at this point, and if you do, it is absolutely imperative you wean yourself off slowly, much like one weans off of prednidone. Also, learn and practice pursed lips breathing throughout the day as it will also help. Kind Wishes, judg69

Sophs82 profile image

Hi ive been on serterline for 8 years now and lately its just come back again worse and it was my doctor who told me it stops working after 2 years x today im finding it hard not to break down (

Meds need adjusted. You said you’ve suffered this most of your life. Be honest with your GP about all you are feeling. Mental illness is always stigmatized. However, it’s a real disease. The brain can cause all kinds of problems. You can’t go everyday feeling this horrible. Accept what’s happening and work with your GP until you find the cocktail of meds that keeps you functioning. My wife has severe anxiety. She was reluctant to tell her Dr. but it got so bad so,etching had to be done. She’s been through many different meds trying to find one that worked. It has helped her tremendously. You can’t read and talk yourself out of a brain disease. You can’t live miserable. I’m not a person who gets easily overwhelmed. Yet I’m dying from my diseases. My wife freaked out horribly at my diagnosis. It got to where she drank too much didn’t want to do anything. Slept all the time. Her and I had a conversation and I told her it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I have a disease and you do too. She’s always been prone to panic and anxiety severe. So we are working together to treat it as best we can.

in reply to

Typo, something had to be done.

Sophs_82 profile image

Thanks alot for your reply xx

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