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Janlyn1953 profile image
44 Replies

Does anyone have a pet?

Do you manage to cope okay, with your lung problem and allergies?

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Janlyn1953 profile image
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44 Replies
skischool profile image

Janlyn,i have an adopted cat Scruffy who deposits hairs over everything not to mention other deposits,I have severe Emphysema but am without inflammation or allergy problems and apart from the nuisance factor of having to clear up her mess she has absolutely no effect on my lung condition........................love skis and scruffy cat

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to skischool


That's good I'm pleased you are not affected.

I'm allergic to most animals, which can affect both my breathing and skin, I have a dog, and looking after a parakeet, I seam to sneeze and have a runny nose more than be out of breath, I have Asthma and Bronchectasis.

The dog is limited to the living kitchen, but I was wondering if an air purifier, would be helpful. 😊

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Janlyn1953

i am sorry i can not help as i know nothing about air purifiers.but there are loads of people on site who suffer similar conditions to you who i am sure will give you lots of good ideas re your condition and others advice on aids that help.,,,,,,,,skis x

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to skischool

Thank you. 🙄

in reply to Janlyn1953

You should not have any birds in the house with your condition. My daughter had a parrot and the nurse told Her that it had to go, as they give of a toxic and it is very dangerous for us . Luckily enough she got her own place, and the parrot went with her. I feel a lot better breathing wise now it has gone.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to


Yes I think it's the parrot, as I've always had dogs, and had no problems.

I used to have a budgie which I was fine with but the parrot is not good for me, ive only had him a week.

hopetorun profile image
hopetorun in reply to Janlyn1953

Hi i am like you. The bird is likley to be your main cause of your alergies

Hi I have a cat and because I have asthma as well as copd am a bit allergic to him but not much fortunately.

I know it's the animal dander which is the cause and you can get something from the vets to spray on the pet. Also if you can vacuum very frequently this should all help.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to

Thanks for your reply, I do hoover every day, I can't use sprays I'm allergic to lots of chemicals , and I don't really want to put sprays on my dog, i guessI will just have to carry on as I am.☺

Poohpoohmad profile image


Am allergic to most animals but do have a Yorkshire Terrier as she has hair, not dander. We keep her cut short and am only really affected when have a really bad infection.

I use an air prurifier in the bedroom and have found l breathe better and do not wake up with my eyes glued together. Mine is the Dyson which was very expensive but a god send this last summer and will see if it helps duing winter too.

Hope this helps.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Poohpoohmad

Thanks for your reply.

I used to have a Yorkshire terrier he passed away 2 years ago he was 16, I have a Jack Russell cross she is 12, she is only aloud in my living kitchen, but a purefier would be okay in there.

I just seam to be getting worse as I get older.

Poohpoohmad profile image
Poohpoohmad in reply to Janlyn1953

Me too! Wasnt like this even 5 yrs ago

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Poohpoohmad

Finding out, about more help we can get for people suffering with multiple allergies.

roscoeroxy profile image

Have you not tried antihistamines?

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to roscoeroxy

Yes but not helped.

Poohpoohmad profile image
Poohpoohmad in reply to roscoeroxy

Been on them most of my life. Was on three a day but changed after advice from a member to Fexofenadine and have to say noticed a huge difference over hayfever season. Now l wait to see if am covered the rest of the year. I take them 365 as so man6 things affect me.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Poohpoohmad

I'm allergic to most animals, but little dogs I'm not to bad, ive always had a dog, I'm finding my parakeet makes my nose bad and eyes sore, seeing the doctor tomorrow hopefully I can get some thing, I'm such a big animal lover it's a shame I have this.

I'm going to battle this i won't let it control my life and stop me having my beloved pets.

I will mention what you are taking to the doctor.

Janet. ☺

Fuzzy12 profile image

Hi Janlyn. I too have Bronchiectasis. I don't find my cats make any difference to my health. I've stayed away at places where there have been no animals, wondering if I would notice a difference, and never have. Not that I would ever get rid of them even if I did.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Fuzzy12

It's my Asthma I think, ive been okay for years, then started to feel bad again, it's the bird as I've always had a dog, and not had a problem.

kathbrad3 profile image

I have three dogs and two parrots we do keep the parrots in a different room from where I sit and my husband feeds and cleans them I would find it difficult to part with them as I have had them over twenty years

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to kathbrad3

I was okay until I got the parrot, ive always had dogs.

I live on my own, so I have to do all the cleaning.

I think I shall have to get a home for the parrot.

Cindyshadow profile image

Hi i have a husky and suffer from every possible allergy. Shadow is probably one of the things I'm not allergic too. It's his type of fur. You should get a husky. They are the best creatures in the world 😊

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Cindyshadow

Thanks for that, it's the parrot I have got which is my problem as I've always had a dog, i was okay till I got him.

I must be very lucky. I have bronchiectasis. I grew up with a spaniel and whilst bringing up my family we had a cavalier, berneses mountain dogs, a leonburger, spitzs, numerous cats and for the obligatory time period, caged rodents! We also had horses whose stables I cleaned and I groomed them. I now have a pomeranian. I have never been allergic to any of them. Thank goodness because my life would have been bleak without them.

Elizabethk profile image

Hi Janlyn. I too have asthma, bronchiectasis and allergies to dust mites and dogs. I’m not allergic to my cat but I know her dander is fine food for mites. I’ve found that replacing carpets with tiles, Lino and wooden flooring and using an air purifier in my bedroom has been very beneficial. Regular vacuuming is a must. My allergies seem to flare in the colder months even before the central heating has gone on so I sometimes use piriton to ease the symptoms. I’ve just been prescribed Mometasone Furoate 50 micrograms nasal spray by respiratory specialist to dampen down the amount of nasal mucus. This isn’t available over the counter but you could try Beconase nasal steroid which is available off the shelf. Good luck!

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Elizabethk

Thanks for your reply, it's the parrot that is upsetting me, I was fine with a budgie, but decided on a parrot after my budgie died, but it is making me poorly, I think I shall have to rehome the poor little fella.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Elizabethk


I'm at the respatory clinic tomorrow my first time, so I will mention this nasel spray.

Thank you.

Elizabethk profile image

Oh. I do sympathise. I’m sure you can find a good home for your parrot. Your good health is vital to your ability to cope with anything.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Elizabethk

Yes, I need to be well, I live on my own and no famiy near, so have to keep well, I have a dog and a Tortoise who need me.

My friend suggested I phone the pet shop up see if they will take him back, so upsetting.

Elizabethk profile image
Elizabethk in reply to Janlyn1953

That sounds like the best option. How long have you had the parrot for?

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Elizabethk

I have had him, Just a week, he is not affecting my breathing just my nose tickling and rather runny and sneezing from time to time, okay when I'm not in the room.

I'm all mixed up in what to do.😯

Elizabethk profile image
Elizabethk in reply to Janlyn1953

I’ve found the nasal spray really helpful in slowing down that tickly and drippy nose nuisance. The air purifier goes on low 1st thing in my bedroom and is even effective at removing irritating pine scent in new furniture from atmosphere.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Elizabethk

I will ask at the doctor when i visit him on Thursday about the nasil spray.Thank you for your advice.T

helenlw7 profile image

We have a cat, Martha, who leave clumps of hair all over the place, and a dog, Alfie, who is a hyperallergenic dog who doesn’t shed hair. I have been tested twice for allergies and I’m ok with pets.

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to helenlw7

Thats brilliant news for you.

I'm afraid I've allergies to all animals some worse than others, I'm okay with my dog and tortoise.

judg69 profile image

My wife and I find our two ragamuffin sisters ( one cream and one cocoa ) a real comfort. I do sleep in my recliner and have 'my' kitty Coco at my side at all times. I do have a germ guardian air purifier 4 feet away blowing 'cleansed' air at us 24 hours a day. Best Regards, judg69

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to judg69

Does the air purifier work? and help you.

judg69 profile image

Jaclyn, yes it is very helpful and has the added benefit of providing 'white' noise. Best Regards, judg69

Caspiana profile image

Hello Janlyn1953 .

I adopted my dog just over a year ago despite being told I shouldn't have furry animals. I must say it was the best decision of my life. There is the extra work involved namely the hovering on a daily basis, brushing him daily and bathing him weekly not to mention the daily walks and outings but, this has helped me so much to keep mobile. He has also given me so much joy and good company , is never critical and agrees with most of my observations. 😄

I have not suffered at all from having him. If anything he has added quality to my life. I have an air purifier that runs twenty four hours. It seems to help.

Sending best wishes.

Cas and Chom xx 🐕💜

Janlyn1953 profile image
Janlyn1953 in reply to Caspiana

That's a lovely story, well done you are getting out and about.

I do a lot of walking with my dog, apart from when I'm not to good, but she's happy then running round my big garden.

Animals are a lovely companion. 😊

Huff_and_Puff profile image

Fortunately I'm not affected by animals at all - I've had cats for the last 25 years, and at one time we had 4 at the same time. I'm down to just the one now, a re-homed (and very boisterous) kitten that I got earlier in the year. I don't find cats any trouble to look after at all, and I wouldn't be without one, there have been times when living with lung disease has got me down quite badly, but having a cat around has always cheered me up. Even when she chewed through my oxygen hose!

Janlyn1953 profile image

That's wonderful you have no allergies.

Some animals are worse than others,.ive also got allergies to chemicals, perfumes the list is endless, but not allergic to food so that's a bonus.

It mostly effects my eczema, and makes my nose run and sneeze, I'm having some more tests done tomorrow.

hopetorun profile image

What would i give to have no allergies it is so frustrating. All animals. Sallicilates. Pollen house dust mites. Detergents. Make up. I am on fexofenadine 2tablets a day.

Janlyn1953 profile image

Yes it's very upsetting, my multiple allergies effect my eczema as well, , I'm not to bad at the moment, then all of a sudden something triggers it off, I'm getting worse as I get older.

I'm also getting run down with them, you would think by now they would have a cure.

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