Wait for oxygen nurse: Well after being... - Lung Conditions C...

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Wait for oxygen nurse

21 Replies

Well after being manhandled by an agency nurse I managed without any more biliousness while having my meds shoved down my throat with a dessert spoon I had to put in a complaint about it as it comes under abuse and safeguarding issues. What gets me is where do these people come from and why do the job they clearly dislike anyway the boss has been onto the agency and she is no longer welcome. So today I am very congested in my lungs angry I have had to go on my rescue pack as I was doing so well keeping my flare-ups under control and most likely would not be treated by the 02 nurse. This particular nurse will never work here again and her future as an agency nurse is in doubt, agencies dislike their staff misbehaving if and only if she can hold onto her pin number by another agency or health institute will she be able to work again. As what she did was abuse it is up to safeguarding to look at the incident and decide on how to proceed from there the first hit is more or less dealt with by a fine a record is always kept off this, ultimately the severest penalty is to go before the nursing and midwifery council where the right to practice and be paid to practice nursing is taken from that person, this is why I think twice or discuss what has occurred before I take action dealing with abuse you are always aware of that person losing their job but not only that their career they worked so hard for as I was once told under every nurse has gone wrong there was once a nurse who liked what she did.

21 Replies
skischool profile image

Oh Ant,i hope that you get back to normal soon.Me and scruffs will batter your errant agency nurse if she turns up again.As you say,probably on better pay than their full time colleagues they often lack the personal and professional skills that our regular district nurses have gained.good luck and get better soon.............skis and scruffy xx

in reply to skischool

thanks, skis and scruffy yes they are paid more at £10 ph extra wich makes me wonder where have all those lovely nurses gone whose devotion to duty was the reason they joined the profession. Ant and misty

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Maybe back to European countries Ant - they haven't been made to feel very welcome since Brexit and are said to be leaving in droves. Sorry you got treated like that, really dreadful.

in reply to

Shelf stacking at Tescos same rate of pay x

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to

And less stress.

in reply to Ergendl

Totally x

sassy59 profile image

That’s abuse Anthony and is disgusting. Sorry to hear you were treated that way and trust that will never happen again.

Wishing you well as always. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

thanks, sassy it is and I had to make a typed statement for the manager she has been back in touch with safeguarding and they are looking to take it further.?

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Good Anthony so they should. Xxx

Oh Anthony, I am so cross at this abuse. I do hope that 'the boss' persues this until that nurse is dismissed.After all, you are in her care and she has a duty to ensure that any contracted employee treats you with dignity and respect. Twinkle sends growls and wishes he had been there to bite her ankles!

yes thank god for wifi

Time_2_drink profile image

What ahorrid person tottaly agree it is abuse and she should not be let near a human being or a animal again im sure she would not like her family to be treat with total disregard she should be sacked take care .

dall05 profile image

Hi Ant

Its shocking when you come across a so called professional person behaving in such a way, luckily their in a minority and reporting them is the right thing to do. I was once told by a nurse I was faking my illness towards the end of a 4 month hospital stay while recovering from double pneumonia and ARDS. What planet do these people come from eh'. Oh yeh' I did report her :) .

in reply to dall05

it seems Tony that abuse has followed me all the time I have been in care one nurse reported said to me "what you are saying about me I could lose my PIN number" so I reported her again and this time she did it seems when some get that magic number that is their doorway to hell nursing used to be a job of devotion and dedication to duty. Very rare attributes these days.

Billiejean_2 profile image

You did the right thing Ant and your complaint will hopefully stop her abusing other vulnerable patients.

in reply to Billiejean_2

the only reason I say anything Billiejean if they can do it to me who has a voice and think well if they can do it to me what about those who are unable to tell?

Lindy-loo1949 profile image

Tony! I am sorry to hear that someone who would not have a well paying job if it were not for you and others that need the help!

After your complaint did they offer you another nurse? You deserve at least that!!

dall05 profile image
dall05 in reply to Lindy-loo1949

The nurse avoided me after that but I have seen her since on other hospital visits. She never smiles and looks as though she hates the job unlike many of the other nurses who are terrific.

in reply to Lindy-loo1949

Lindy, the staffing is so acute here and all other homes in Southport the way things work is dependant on what they did and how easy you are if that person was allowed to complete their shift, it would have meant an on-call manager staying on after she had dealt with the complaint, the boss detailed a carer to keep her eye on me which she did.

Shirleyj profile image

I'm so glad you complained, hopefully they will think again before letting her work there again. You take care x

spooks36 profile image

sorry Ant you had to go through that. there is no need for anyone to behave badly to another. I sincerely hopes she does not get another job in the nursing profession, as she obviously does not care. hope you are feeling a little better by now. cheers

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