Hi my name is Terry I am 57 with many ailements I was diagnosed with copd in 2008 I began on oxygen 24/7 and over the yrs. I have became to depend on a cpap with oxygen 24/7 to breathe I also have asthma degenerate bone decease and hip replacement I could no longer walk since 2007 I also have osteoporosis depression PTSD thyroid disfuntion and more I can't remember I live a sheltered life i I am glad to b apart of this group.
Looking for fellow copdrs: Hi my name... - Lung Conditions C...
Looking for fellow copdrs

hi terrysway.. and welcome. you really do have a lot to coupe with, hope we can send you a few sun rays to help brighten up your day a bit. xx

Thank u that's so sweet. God bless
Welcome to the group Terry. You’ll find plenty of like minded folk here.
Hi Terry, welcome to the family. Yes, family. As you will learn very quickly that the support and love shown and shared in this group, is as good or better than your own family.
You're welcome Terry you will get a lot of help and support on this so glad to welcome you on board
Hi there terrysway and I'm glad you've found us. This site can make such a huge difference,as it has done for me and many others. Its a safe place to chat when we feel down,when we want advice or just to have a general chat. The BLF also have a fantastic helpline,with nurses and other qualified staff who you can call and its all confidential etc.
I'm certain you'll fit in just fine and I look forward to getting to know you.
Take care.
Welcome to the forum.
You will be far from alone here, many members suffer from COPD in all it's different stages. I have looked at various forums on the web and this one is the most active, English speaking, forum I have been able to find. I can also vouch for Sonsafc's comment "is as good or better than your own family" so welcome.
Hi there, it seems you have your hands full with all your conditions.
If you use Facebook you may be aware that there is a fabulous COPD UK Facebook page which is incredibly supportive with thousands of members.
Best wishes,
Welcome to the forum you will find lots of useful information here and from lots of knowledgeable people.x x x

Hi Terrysway, lovely to meet you. You will always have plenty of company on this site, we are a happy friendly lot. Hope you keep posting, enjoy your day, take care love Bernadette xxx
Hi Terry and welcome to the forum. Sounds like you're having a hard time at the monmment and I hope being part of this group will make you feel less isolated in your illness and cheer you up a little too.
Hi Terry nice to meet you and welcome to the HU family. Any questions or just want to talk or rant then just post. x
Hello Terry hopefully you will feel a little less lonley now you have joined the community and hope to hear more from you soon Take care
Hi Terry. So glad you found us. This is an amazing site and there's always somebody there to listen when you really need it - we're all like one huge online family.
Hi and welcome to the site.
Hi Terry. Welcome to the site. You will not be alone here. I am from the US also. Take care. Gayle
Hello Terry,
I know it must difficult facing these challenges everyday. I know you will find positive support here. I do. ❤️