I could not sleep. Was very foggy out side,kind of warm. The morning birds were still sleeping..they seem to be sleeping in? Then I made my way to my fresh bag of my favorite coffee,opened the bag as it made that great "Im so fresh " noise and smelled the wonderful full aroma. Ahh ..tastes so good,I think the birds even woke up! Its a pretty good pot of coffee I'm really appreciating all I do have this day! Hope every one enjoys their day,even if its just your favorite cup of hot coffee!!! XO
Cup of good coffee: I could not sleep... - Lung Conditions C...
Cup of good coffee

You can't beat that wonderful aroma of fresh coffee Lin. Hope you are doing well. Xxx
Thankyou and good luck with the appointment
Fingers crossed for your appointment Lin I wish you well Angie xxx
Appointment went ok at oncologist. Bone scan or skeletal scan thursday. If any hot spots,I would then go to the big sister hospital and see an oncologist that handles langerhans,if no hot spots,then biopsy of my lungs. Idk when,soon. I also had alot more blood work,and awaiting for approval for medicare for mri of head. It also likes to spread there. Why they not checking liver,kidneys is beyond me. Or pancreas. Im so swollen in stomach. Gained weight since april,which is weird. I quit smoking in January so dr explained this happens but will straighten out once things calm down. Nicotine breaks down digestion in un healthy ways i was told so after you quit you gain,then start again. I cant this time. Tempting,but its not gonna happen! Woke up so early. My day turns out so long. But its ...coffee time! : ) Have a great morning,enjoy your walk Angie x
Balance can be found when you're looking at the good side of things