My husband is in a " temporary" ward as no beds in respiratory ward. Today I discovered they were administering nebuliser with the oxygen supply turned up because there was no medical air. Has anybody else experienced this. We are having a meeting with the Dr tomorrow.
nebuliser with oxygen: My husband is in... - Lung Conditions C...
nebuliser with oxygen

Yes I have had my ventolin that way via a mask into the oxygen supply even when the paramedics came out that was I received it with pure oxygen and ventolin it made me feel better soon
I was given Ventolin in a nebuliser with oxygen at 6lpm but they found out I was a CO2 retainer and after that I had to use medical air.
Both my hospital stays I had nebuliser via oxygen three times a day,it's quite common as the machines are in short supply.
I was given Ventolin via oxygen in hospital, but it seems I am a CO2 retainer as my O2 levels went down and set the alarm off on the oximeter .
every time I am admitted they gave my nebs that way and I must admit I like it that way
If you have copd oxygen should only be given at a low rate. That's why usually given medical air oxygen is dangerous to those with COPD as it can permanently affect your drive to breath.