hi all well 5 days have gone now after being told i need oxygen when doing anything like walking or hanging out washing feel a bit low knowing that i well not beable to do thing like puting up the gazbo with having oxygen or even walking up to garden shed and now knowing i no job so where do i go from here pay for house the bilss and laving it all for wife to go to work and pay so tell me all is there life with oxygen or not
having oxygen: hi all well 5 days have... - Lung Conditions C...
having oxygen
I am not sure why you are unable to work but I can say that I did work whilst using oxygen, as have many other members on here. If there is some reason why you cannot work then you need to make a benefit claim.
thank you for your reply what i think am feeling is am i on my last legs now i have to have oxygen when walking and then in oct 15 hours day is this nr the end

I use it 24 hours a day and have done for years. Using oxygen is not a death sentence. You will soon get used to using it.
I use oxygen 24/7 too. I am 58 with bronciectasis and COPD. I had a bad infection at Xmas and my SAT levels don't stay up. Do you suffer with breathlessness mrsmummy. You made me feel a lot better when you say you have been using for years.
Hope you get some financial help if you can no longer work ,you need too go to citizen advise bureau they will hhelp you
Take care
I was really chuffed when I got ambulatory oxygen because I could then ambulate. Suddenly the plant bit of b&q was within range. It's a faff carting the bottle around but well worth it.
Have wondered why ambulances are so called? From French for walking hospital, probably because it sounded better than horse and cart. The hospital bit was dropped just leaving the walking bit.
Tiger, stop, slow it down, one day at a time. Oxygen is NOT a death sentence. Many, many members are on oxygen and are still working. Many others, now retired, have been on oxygen for many years. Keep your dobber up! Best Regards, judg69
Yes Hidden you've been told!!!.....its the only option you have to keep your internal organs healthy,and that's the plain truth and nearly every single.post you'll read on this forum, will be from people far worse off than you and I,and they do as much as possible to help their bodies and their mental health you wouldnt believe what they continue on and achieve.
Read some older posts and you will see.
Hi Tigers69, I feel your concern. I too was prescribed oxygen for walking etc earlier in the year. I felt, like you, that life was over and confess to shedding a few tears but with oxygen bottle in shopping trolley I carried on gardening, pegging out washing, walking around supermarket etc. I found it quite embarrassing to begin with going out in public but now I don't even think what others maybe thinking. I would add that somedays I do things without oxygen, hospital have told me this is fine, I use it as and when I feel it's needed as I have good days (my sort of good obviously) and bad. Be positive and you'll manage your tasks, a little slower but you'll get there. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you when I'm mopping my floors later! Joy.
I have Oxygen most of the time, I'm Lucky that I have a Mobile Conserver on Little wheels, so easy to pull around, I just plug it in to charge it and I can do this in the car also , no more Little Cylinders. I am retired through this condition and receive PIP, I only have 30% or less now lung Capacity, I am on the Trx List. Without Oxygen I would be Totally House Bound, so There is a Life with it, and I am very grateful for it, even if I don't get New Lungs, I know I have some sort of Life ahead of me and can plan ahead...Just Exercise and do your Breathing Technics.. Best Wishes to you All. xxxx Carolina XXXX
Hi, l have around 32% lung capacity and have been the same for 10yrs.
I'm a Brompton Patient an have been since2004 when Pneaumonia worsened my COPD.
Manage without oxygen but have used in flare ups.
I'm 66yrs and consider myself very lucky to have such care and stability.
like you I have a positive attitude and would not refuse oxygen if l needed it.
PULMONARY REHAB is my life line!
Best wishes
Being prescribed oxygen is NOT a death sentence, it's a new lease of life. Having said that - I know exactly how you feel because I've been there. My man has to do more around the house (I'm "end stage" emphysema and on 24 hour oxygen) but I can still do everyday things, even if it takes longer.
Depression is, unfortunately, a companion of lung disease. If you aren't coping with the disease, go see your doctor, to find out if depression is at the root of you "feeling low". If it is, meds can be SO helpful.
Use the oxygen, get out there -- climb hills now that you have enough O2; take your missis shopping... and remember: we don't give up when we have new meds. We get up and go!!
Hi, I'm sitting in bed on a cruise ship right now. I have been using ambulatory oxygen since 2013 and it hasn't stopped me from going out.
I am retired now but I sometimes do voluntary work and take my oxygen with me.
I used to pay for the oxygen to be delivered to the ship but I decided to buy my own portable oxygen concentrator and a spare battery pack along with the charger so now I can go on holidays without having to worry about buying the oxygen.
I get breathless because I have lupus and get flares which causes pains and therefore I'm unable to do much during the flaring.
I have to use the oxygen to do most everyday tasks such as hanging out the washing and having a shower.
Hope the oxygen will improve your life.
God bless. 🙏
Hi tigers69!!! I was diagnosed with COPD 5 years ago and my physician IMMEDIATELY put me on oxygen to be used overnight. Quite honestly, I feel that the oxygen is really responsible for keeping me so well. I am also on Spiriva and Symbicort; however, as I told my pulmonary specialist "if I didn't keep my meds right next to my makeup, I would probably forget to take them, because I feel so good". Oxygen is a GOOD thing, I just wish more doctors would prescribe it!!