? Spiolto Respimat or stiolto...depen... - Lung Conditions C...

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? Spiolto Respimat or stiolto...depends where you live!

Juliette011 profile image
40 Replies

Not sure still if this new inhaler is really working or causing more issues....I have this burning sensation around my heart area...Did anyone else have this?? Just wondering and if so what did you do about it?

Thanks for all your feedback peoples ...I really appreciate it all.

take care and very very good breathing to you all.

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Juliette011 profile image
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40 Replies
Offcut profile image

I was given Spiolto Respimat but was then called to tell me to stop using it! It did make me feel unwell and it stated on the guide not to be used with asthma or heart patients unless prescribed? I am now on the Spiriva Respimat and do not seem to react to that one, so seems to go with the other 14 prescription meds I take at some point or other :)

Be Well

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Offcut

Many thanks Offcut...Interesting choice of name you have there!! ??

So I tried to talk with my pharmacist but being Friday here in Oz he was so busy. I will see him next week. In the meantime I have decided to cease this inhaler and go back to ventolin, Spiriva Respimat and then Seretide!

Interesting though...I do understand why my doc decided to try this as I don't have and do not need to take meds for my heart (yet!!?). I do take Asprin and a blood pressure pill daily. And I don't appear to have that many, if any, asthma symptoms. So its back to the drawing board!!

thank you so much for letting me know how it affected you. And sorry to hear you need to take all those meds ... that would be hard going, in my book. Good on you though...you sound like you are keeping positive. So please keep that up.

Right back at ya! BE WELL, VERY WELL.

soulsaver profile image
soulsaver in reply to Juliette011

Is the burning behind sternum ie middle of chest? Are you on antacids?

if yes & no respectively I'd say heartburn, particularly as you take aspirin.

Has it gone now you're off Spiolto?

As a useful aside, was Spiolto better for your breathing than Spiriva?

And for someone without COPD & with few asthma symptoms, Spiriva would be an unusual script in UK.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to soulsaver

thanks for your thoughts soulsaver, but I don't think it is heartburn. Not behind middle of chest, but directly around the heart. And yes it stopped after two hours, but it did freak me out. Yes taking asprin may but it is thought to help to prevent heart issues.

Yes I think Spiolto was better than Spiriva. How come Spiriva being unusual scrip in UK?? interesting this.

And yes it has gone away...now back to my older meds.

cheers and good for you not having copd, it is a beggar!

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Juliette011

Aspirin is a no no now in the uk it can cause as many problems as it is supposed to cure.

PMA is the only way.

Offcut cames from my old CB handle way back in my youth, I did move onto Ham radio but do not use anymore now we have

10 4 good buddy :)

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Offcut

So interesting Offcut...and good to know re no no to asprin now in UK. And when I googled PMA it came up to do with ecstasy!! go figure!! What is it prescribed for...only if you can be bothered letting me know.

I can't think of a good handle reply to 10 4 ...have to think on that one.

cheers for now. and many thanks

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Juliette011

Positive Mental Attitude ;)

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Offcut

you have me laughing...love it!!

Dragonmum profile image
Dragonmum in reply to Offcut

I had really bad reaction to Spiolto Respimat too, Offcut, so took it back to Doc with a lot of hard copy complaints from other users. I too was then prescribed Spiriva Respimat which worked well in conjunction with Fostair - best combo ever. Last month they withdrew Spiriva and replaced it with Braltus - cost-cutting of course - I took it for a few days but have now refused it and am on no preventor at all. Will see the quack and attept to sort it yet again but it's a pain to have to keep on doing this - bad enough to have these complaints without having to beg for decent treatment. All about money of course.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Dragonmum

I found this interesting....I think I will be talking to my doc about Fostair. I have seen others here saying they are getting good results too. I know you didn't ask, but....I am back to ventolin, spiriva resp. thingy (new medical term, not!) and seretide. Never have tried Fostair...so could be worth considering. cheers for now. stay well. and as offcut says, PMA!!

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Offcut

Hay Offcut, me again!! have been doing a wee bit more research re inhalers for 2017 and the two that were given a gold score where Spiolto Respimat AND. Anoro Ellipta!! So I think I will be asking about this one...in the side effects list in the reviews in drugs.com people were not experiencing chest pain etc. Might be worth considering...just thought I would mention this. Also thought you might have heard something about this.

And no more opening hornets nests with your Offcut !!remarks...!!! this is of course said in chest. Breaker breaker big buddy!! Was breaker breaker a call of some sort??

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Juliette011

breaker breaker was a lot of the time used to call for a chat on the CB to any one out there. When peeps were driving they were putting the peddle to the metal and keeping the greasy side down and the shiny side up. (Safe Driving)

Billiejean_2 profile image

Why is Aspirin a no no in the UK now, Offcut ?

BTW, I'M also a great fan of PMA but fail to see how it could help with blood thinning :)

Maybe you can enlighten me.

skischool profile image

Juliette,i have been on Spiolto for a week now and it appears to be a good replacement for me for Fostair and Braltus without any side effects.i also take 75mg Asprin daily which my consultant is aware of and has no concerns.I think higher doseages of Asprin i.e the over the counter 300mg tabs are not recommended for various reasons.good also like you i take a bp tab 5mg of Amlodipine which reduced moderately high BP to normal within days and once again without any side effects such as ankle swelling etc.Only problem now is a hernia which no amount of inhalers is going to cure.Good luck to you for the future......skis

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to skischool

Cheers Ski or is it ski school ... also interesting title!

The asprin I take is 100 mg, wasn't aware you could get it lower...and will look into that. I know it is causing bruising when ever I nock my hands, which of course is unsightly, but doc says to keep on it. The bp med is called Candesarten or Atacand, 8 mg. for hypertension. After I had a really bad bout of pneumonia topped with a side serving of takotsubo...a wee heart attack that happens to post menopausal women who are under extreme stress...which I was at the time!! and obviously did not handle it at all well. All of this resulted in me needing oxygen. But I have been steadily getting better and healthier. All due to the gym, me thinks! and I continue to use food as the healer, without weight gain!

You and me both re the hernia....that is a bugger too!!

So you know...the burning and tightness around my heart only started in the 19th day of being on the Spiolto...and this is listed in the side effects, as possible heartburn, but I know heartburn and this was different, me thinks, but it also could be me being paranoid!

many thanks and stay well.

cheerio for now.

jackdup profile image

I have been having unbelievable heart burn, or at least what I assume is heartburn and hadn't tied it to Inspiolto but it very well could be. I am now taking a PPI for heartburn so am not sure how I will be able to isolate whether it is the Inspiolto or some other cause for the heartburn.

Curious by what seems to be negative comments about Aspirin and wondered what the issues are? I have used Aspirin for decades for headaches and other aches and pains and recently been using the low dose daily as well so would appreciate any comments about the concerns of using Aspirin.

Thank you

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

I will let you know when I find out about the asprin!

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

Also have a look at the side effects list on your spiolto or google same...it is listed there as a possible side effect and to let your pharmacist or doctor know asap. I also have read negative press about the ppi's. So all up to the individual with prof help, me thinks. Good luck. And stay well..happy breathing to you.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

Thank you

I sure don't plan on using the ppi long term. They did a test for the H pylori I believe it is. If that comes back negative then I will explore other options for the heartburn or acid reflux. It it comes back positive then I'll take the appropriate treatment and hopefully that will be shorter term as well.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

Well here is hoping it is not an ulcer...For me I know I have one of those hernia's that floats around, comes and goes. When I said to my doc about not wanting to take a ppi he came back and said, yes it is true what is said, but don't be in pain, have the nexium it is called here, and take only when you have the pain. I still haven't had the script filled yet! good diet always helps. Good luck and good breathing to you kind sir.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

Thank you and to you as well.

I sure don't want an ulcer either but apparently now they can be effectively treated/cured and then the medication is no longer needed and it explains the heartburn. If the test is negative I'll try stopping the Inspiolto and see if that solves the problem.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

Hay jackdup...hope this finds you feeling as well as your can. I was wondering if you found out about the heart burn and the possibility of inspiolto being the culprit, any news on that front?

Re the Aspirin being here in Oz...lordy lordy we can be so slow...the lowest dose of aspirin I can buy here is 100 mg...No 75!! bizzare me thinks!!I continue to take it due to past Tako Tsubo...a wee heart attack due to stress. So best to be safe, but I often think is aspirin causing other issues?

anyways...would be interested if you are still needing the ppi or whats what now with your very good self!

Best wishes to you and yours now and in the future.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

Hi Juliette

Well it has been an eventful couple of weeks. I woke up about 2:15 am a couple of weeks ago and was very sick. I vomited much of the day and the next day. Usually a person gets a 24 hour bug and then you slowly start to feel better. Well it was three days before I could even think about eating and only drank a small amount of ginger ale over those three days as well. I didn't use an inhaler or the PPI for those three days, and then slowly started to improve. I can't say this is related to anything I was doing or taking but after I starting feeling better did some more reading on PPIs and it does say that as a result of the reduction in acid bacteria that would have normally been killed in your stomach may now not be and you can end up sick, so whether being sick was a result of the PPI I will never know.

I stopped taking the Inspiolto at that tine as well and had no heartburn for several days and was not taking the PPI either. I then starting taking Spiriva again as I had some left from before I switched to Inspiolto and the first couple of days everything was fine but my breathing was not as good as with in Inspiolto, but no heartburn. I think on the third or fourth day I again had some heartburn but not as bad as previously so took Inspiolto again for a couple of days and the heartburn was back. Now I have not taken anything for the last couple of days again and had heartburn in the middle of the night last night and am having heartburn again right now so am really uncertain what is causing what or whether these have been coincidences, which I doubt.

My doctor has been on holidays for a three weeks since I had the breath test that would answer at least some questions and I hope to be able to get ahold of him tomorrow to find out the results of the breath test and then decide where to go from there.

So where are you right now as far as inhalers and heartburn, or the burning you were experiencing before?

Take care and sorry I can't be more definitive. I really need to start keeping a diary of what I have eaten and when as well as what medication and inhalers I have used to try to sort out some of these issues and if they are related.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

G'Day jackedup...good to hear from you. But not so good to hear you have been so unwell. It can really and I mean really take it out of you....as you know doubt can absolutely confirm!! But also very good to hear you are now on the improve.

You took the words out of my mouth re keeping a diary of what you are eating re the heartburn. Aim to get off the ppi's. But heartburn is not pleasant at all, to state the bleeding obvious. Did you not say you were getting some sort of check up re the heartburn?? I'm not sure what test you mention now....or maybe you didn't!! ...getting older!!...just looked you said it was the h peiri or something like that.

So I stopped the Spiolto and yes no more burning sensation around my heart. I do watch what I eat...no processed foods as such and practically no alcohol!!...should go to the nunnery!!?? (question mark is for..... ?? I don't think they would have moi!! lol).

It will be very interesting to hear what your doc says...glad he is back and also getting the breathing test results. Mine just sent me into a tale spin for a wee while. I knew I was bad but didn't know how bad and when they said "...lung capacity at a quarter..." Oh Goodie...really have done a number on myself...again!!!" So yes stage four for moi!! and of course need the old oxygen whenever I go to the gym...and TRY and ride the bike...of course stopping every two or one minute.

But you know jackedup I think you might have had an exacerbation with all that throwing up etcetera. Again I hope the doc can shed some light.

So I am back on the ventolin, which does zip, nothing!!, followed by two puffs of spiriva, then topped off with seretide....also does nothing. I think the spiriva is the bomb (not a good term in today's climate!!)...that is why the spioto works so well...that very fine mist gets into all nooks and crannys!

When I see my doc next, which isn't for a few weeks now I plan to ask about Fostair...lots of people on this site have been singing it's praise. I did try for a few days, only lastest three so not sure if I gave it anough of a chance, was the Breo Ellipta...didn't work for me. But when I googled best inhalers 2017 Anoro Ellipta and Spiolto came up. My doc thought he had given me the Anoro but due to the fact he was trying to save me money he gave me the samples he had....but it wasn't Anoro. It is possible he would consider it no use trying the Anoro if the Breo didn't work. So lots more to discuss with the good man, that he definately is!

So I will stop rambling now....and look forward to hearing from you re test results and what your doctor says.

Take good care honey bunny and keep that smile on your dial....Over here we are having a really cold day...the maximum temp is to be 12 centigrade, have forgotten what that translates too in the old system!! So clouds are very gray as is the sky....but birds are tweeting....there is a slight breeze and I have my good music playing. Not sure what I would do if I didn't have that. Also trying to navigate my way around technology...Purchased a good backup hard drive, but my system ... it recognizes it but I can't get into the start menu!! so I feel jackedoff!!!! lol.

cheerio for now.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

Well after a frustrating couple of weeks finally have the results of the breath test I took in July, which was not a breathing test as such but used to capture my breath to test for the H Pylori so that is not the problem I have tried not using the PPI and not using the inhaler and seemed fine, then I started the inhaler and the first two days were fine and then the heartburn was back so stopped the inhaler but still had heartburn for the next couple of days but now it seems to have stopped, so still not sure if it is the inhaler or coincidence so will keep experimenting and hopefully will be able to arrive at a definite conclusion. The doctor said I should talk to the pulmonologist about the inhaler as it doesn't make any since to take a PPI to offset the effects cause by the Inspiolto inhaler when switching inhalers may solve the problem so as I say plan on doing a bit of experimenting to see if I can figure out if the inhaler is truly the problem

I hope you got your hard drive figured out and working okay?

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

Hay Jackdup...good to hear from you, but sorry you are still needing to experiment...But doc sounds right...no use in taking ppi if it is the inhaler! I stopped it completely and no heartburn!! I will use if for one week prior to my next doc appointment...for research purposes...I was getting extra confusion and this of course is not listed as a possible side effect. I also read hear someone else also experienced same. See if it happens again. Regarding my hard drive....well I am still on that train!! not completely resolved as yet....I think I may need to buy either a new laptop (this is a beauty though with great media centre) or download windows 10 (does not have media centre!) which now of course costs, but either way I am up for dollars!! I am trying to enjoy the journey!! take good care cheerio for now...keep the smile on your dial!

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

If you really want Windows 10 let me know and I'll send you a private message to help you out.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

that so sweet of you....I think I need to coz it would also include drivers which I think I might need...bearing in mind I am somewhat of a luddite!! Hope you are having a good one.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

I sent you the link in a private message and yes it should have all of the drivers so check your messages.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

Cheers honey for that....Have yet to find it, but I will. Really appreciate it. However I'm off to Mt. Matha...a nice part of Victoria's Peninsula so will need to leave it for a couple of days but will get back to it. Again MANY THANK YOUS!

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

If you look on the very top you will see your name and if you click on it, it will bring up a list of various things, one of which is messages, and if you select messages it should show my message with a link.

I hope you have vacation.

Take care.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

cheers sweet pea...just sent you reply to your message with link. Really appreciate it. Take good care of your very good self.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

How you goin Jackdup? I hope all is well in your orbit!! just wanted to give you a sort of update...Well I'm still toying with the idea of win 10...I really appreciate your link. I'm currently working with a pirated version of win vista! Still have yet to get the hard drive sorted. So its on going is all really!

But hay...all is OK...I'm above ground!! haha!

How did you go with your tests and are you needing the ppi's?

Anyways a quick note to let you know appreciate your efforts and wishing you all the very best. Keep doing the breathing exercises...I know they are helping me.

cheerio for now

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

Hi Juliette

Hope you had a nice few days away. I still have not figured out what is what. When I stop the Inspiolto the heartburn is gone and then took it for a couple of days without any issues. I know I should be taking it daily but so far the heartburn has been kept at a minimum. It seems if I take the Inspiolto everyday the heartburn returns so am not completely sure about the relationship between the two. I plan on taking the Inspiolto everyday and see if the really bad heartburn returns.

The results of the breath test to test for the H Pylori was negative so that is not the cause. I have not been taking the PPIs and if the heartburn returns once I start taking the Inspiolto daily again I will see about using a different inhaler as I don't want to be on PPIs longer therm.

That link I sent you for Windows 10 is a legitimate download and is not pirated so you can get your computer "legal" and updated. :) I hope you computer is new enough to run Windows 10. Do you know what the processor is and how much memory you have?

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to jackdup

Wanted to say hi, by and thank you for link! The reason for the by is I'm taking computer to a fixer upperer!! of computers! so may or may not be off line for a wee while. Yes I have a phone but limited data use on that one. I still have not been able to sort out the hard drive, so ??? here is hoping.

Hope this finds you feeling good and more knowledge after experimenting with the puffas etc.

stay well and all the very best.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to Juliette011

You're welcome and we'll be watching for your return. Hope all goes well with the computer and you aren't without it for too long. Still not sure about the inhalers and the heartburn but hope to have it sorted out soon.

Take care

Offcut profile image

I seemed to of opened a hornets nest with the aspirin :( Info below

I might be biased as one of my many conditions is AF

NICE Say "Offer anticoagulants instead of aspirin for stroke prevention"


Be Well

soulsaver profile image

Offcut That's for patients with atrial fibrulation.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to soulsaver

I know but as I say I am also with AF so might be biased.

Juliette011 profile image
Juliette011 in reply to Offcut

Offcut is the AF due to COPD? just curious. Whatever the case stay well honey bunny, use food as the healer.

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