I have emphysema. I am 56 but was diagnosis at the age of 46. I was told they have never seen a person at my age have it as bad as the tests say. But I am lost. I don't cough. I get sick a lot with UTI's and other little things. It that normal.
Do like any of the medication. - Lung Conditions C...
Do like any of the medication.

Morning Cindy
Welcome to this forum. You will get a lot of help and support here.
You certainly are young to have emphysema. Can I ask you for a bit more information? Who diagnosed it? And have you had the Alpha-1-Anti-Tripsin test? That is a rare genetic condition the causes Emphysema and other problems in young people. And is easily tested for with a blood test. The reason I am asking these questions is that there are one or two other conditions that look like emphysema and in unusual cases, like yours, the doctors should look outside the box.
All the best
Hello Cindy, you have had good advice from Katinka and l just want to welcome you to the forum.
Good wishes to you. Xxx
I have suffered with Emphysema since the age of 40 when I was first diagnosed and I am now age 67 and on oxygen for a min of 16 hours a day and also when ever I wish to go out and about. I don't believe it has anything to do with age.
I too have severe emphysema and am in my 40s. Only recently diagnosed, but have severe dysponea.
Mine is a mystery to my consultant. I don't smoke, Alpha 1 has been ruled out.
While you have no symptoms, make the most of life x
I have very few symptoms and only get short of breath exercising. I do not cough as such and produce very little sputum. Emphysema affects us all in different ways. The UTIs need further investigation if you keep getting them as normally this is a separate issue from COPD.
It is being diagnosed a lot earlier now than in the past a lot of people were told they had asthma a few years ago when in fact it was early Emphysema ,But due to better testing ect luckily people are being caught early .I was like you didn't get sick a lot but had a lot of UTIs and other things like allergies and kept horses up till last year I did and do cough but I get a lot of phlegm some people are more lucky and dont get this xx
Hi cindy, I was diagnosed at around the early 40s I'm now 62 , were you a smoker and what symptoms did you have to see the doctor for diagnosis I'm interested to see if things are similar this da Disease has taken my life over so I'm learning so much all the time" there is lots of good advice on here xxx