Ho, hum. It’s Monday again. The streets have cleared, the site has emptied and I’m all alone again. Everyone is sitting down watching wall to wall soaps on television, everyone except me. I suppose I could do a blog while nobody is around. I did have a subject written down on a piece of paper but I can’t remember where I put it. Oh yeh, memory.
When I was first diagnosed with COPD a decade or more ago, my memory was as sharp as a tack. But, as the years have gone by it has got worse. At first it was the odd word, then the odd place. Now, at least a dozen times a day a word eludes me. Tonight I wanted to say something to my grandson about one of my heroes. He was a gallant hero of this country and I can easily remember his last words, but not his name. He died trying to save his mates, and I can’t remember his name.
Does anyone else suffer from memory loss as well as COPD? Oh, you’re not here are you? I forgot that. I must remember to ask you when you come back. You are coming back aren’t you?
Well I had better go and make a cup of tea so I will see you later. Oh, it’s just come back to me. The name of a man we should never forget. His last words were “I am just going outside. I may be some time" His name was Captain Oates.