Hi sorry to be a nuisance ... which company (s) would you recommend to buy this product thankyou Sam
Mr Stone Inogen One G3 th: Hi sorry to... - Lung Conditions C...
Mr Stone Inogen One G3 th

Either company I have dealt with both, both give good service.
Units have to be returned to the company you purchase from for service.
See which one offers the best deal,
I have had this machine for just over a year so it was due for a service, I purchased it from Pure02 so rang them to ask the cost of the service and after many requests and being told they would call me back they reluctantly told me it would be £150 and I would have to be without the machine for about a week. I got in touch with the local firm that repaired my scooter and was told they would do it for £75 and he advised me to contact my respiratory nurse to get my prescription changed with Air Liquide who now issue these machines instead of liquid oxygen. So it pays to shop around. Keep smiling
Carole x
I have one of them for sale if your interested
Mr stone had trouble doing a post but found you... I've developed a cough and cough till my throats sore to bring up sticky transparent phlegm seems to be a new stage ? ?Doc gave me mucodyne but not happy with few side effects Thanks for any ideas is this part of emphysema Sam