I sat here earlier before my daily catch up of the forum, feeling a bit sorry for myself. My moving day is under three weeks away, and following a reasonably good spell COPD-wise, today I'm feeling a bit rough. Great timing! However, after reading through today's posts, it seems like many of you are (today, at least) having a tougher time than me so I will stay quiet and get on with my day. Why can't this government spend more money (like maybe some of the billions they earned from taxes on smoking!) on a cure for this awful, awful disease!!! Group hugs from a frustrated me!
COPD is so ;(£&&@ Frustrating!! - Lung Conditions C...
COPD is so ;(£&&@ Frustrating!!
Hugs back to you Brisara and it's good to let off some steam sometimes. Never worry about doing that.
I wish we could find a cure for COPD but maybe one day. Thank goodness for the BLF.
Take care xxxxx
Thanks Sassy, you're spot on about the BLF! Enjoy your day, Brian x
Big hugs back you said your feeling roughish today and your moving in less than 3 weeks , that's probably why your feeling rough moving is one of the stressful events in life and stress factors and copd makes for a rough time .Deep breathing slowww down and relax in between when you can and also big hugs rite back atcha 😉
Thank you Angie, it's very stressful as you rightly say! Andddd breathhhhhh 😉 x
Most of the causes are man made and you will be divorcing yourself from some of those in your new home, Brian.
Must be honest, I can't wait Don! I'm a bit worried about how the actual move will affect my health (temporarily I hope?) but I'm really looking forward to being there. Hope you are well
I've been having a bit of an 'off spell' and I have a spirometer test tomorrow. I hope your move goes well. I often wonder what effect adrenaline has on COPD, because I often find that when I've something a bit stressful to do, I cough and wheeze very little during the task but have to pay for it later.
Hello Hidden .
Having an off day or an off spell makes us feel like nothing will ever be right again. Some days are just complete write offs. It is so frustrating, I understand. But, it will get better. 😃 I do hope having a good rest and relaxation time will help you feel better tomorrow. Hoping your move goes smoothly too.
Take good care.
Cas xx 🌷
They say moving house is the most stressful thing you can do. And having breathing problems dosnt help. I moved from A 3 bed house to a 2 bed flat 2 years ago but got help from family and booked a removal firm. But will not do it again good luck with your move.
Hi Nottobad, like you I have only recently moved to stage three, hence my reason for moving. Hopefully some fresh air and a healthier lifestyle might help keep this at bay for a while! My last move would have been my last move, if I hadn't gone to stage three. I'm hoping this goes smoothly. Thanks for the reply, Brian
The way I clear these gloomy thoughts is just imagine a hospital ward of sick children then my problems pale in comparison. Looking on the bright side works wonders as well
Brian, I hope you have having a better day today. Gentle hugs!
Thank you still got something lurking but I'm trying to fight it
Hope you are feeling better soon, I agree much more focus is needed with regards to COPD.
I don't see adverts-charity shops or media dicussions about the disease especially money raising projects !!!
Indeed, hugs backatya. hope it clears up by the time you move.Take it easy, get as much help as you can with the move. xx
Thank you LaurieRose x