I have just been told my voice sounds like peppa pig ,wow that has really put me in a good mood/not
my horrible voice: I have just been... - Lung Conditions C...
my horrible voice

And how does the person that told you sound . If it was me I would reply I always knew I wd be famous one day and tell them you could do voice overs for the programme lol other than that there's always politely telling them to go away 😁😁😁
Not a very nice thing to hear. Your voice can change with age and with the affects of medication you take for COPD. As for any change always best to have it investigated by your gp. Please do not Google it as there are a vast amount of causes and again this can cause unnecessary worry in most cases.
Hi, I too have a voice problem but as an aside I originate from the west country and over here in the south east I sound like a country boy and everyone has always taken the mick. Anyway I have been to see 2No specialists at the local hospital. They stuck a tube down my throat poked about a bit and said there was nothing to see. I then saw a voice box specialist and he gave me guidance. As I take powder inhalers he advised a steam inhaler after the inhaler, then some voice exercises, ending with a leaflet on vocal hygeine.
The steam inhaler is available on Amazon at a very low price, the rest I suggest you get your local GP to refer you just in case. I could send you the exercises in sheet form if you wish.
My medication makes me sound really gravelly, especially during a flare up. I have a South London accent, and am moving to North Wales. I can see the locals having trouble understanding me at times. I'll have to buy a portable chalk board 😂
Whoever said that is obviously ignorant & insensitive, but that doesn't stop it being hurtful. I've been mocked for my high-pitched voice too ("minnie mouse" in my case!), and was self-conscious about it for a while. But no one with any empathy or a shred of kindness would dream of making such personal comments, or indeed even thinking it, so you just have to tell yourself this person is unworthy of your notice. Others are not thinking it you know, the world is full of kindly, understanding people who are intelligent enough to see beyond superficial things like this. Be strong & ignore the few who aren't.
I can't hear your voice, but if you've just been told that you sound like peppa pig and no one has ever said anything about your voice, then it's the 'teller' who is just being a er ? "" Nether region sphincter" ............pay it no heed at all! I'm sure your voice is your voice and it's lovely and those that love you will love your voice You have absolutely nothing to worry about
Don't listen to "The Sphincter" any more. Just nod politely