I'm conscious that I didn't reply to all your comments when I was muttering about COPD the other day...there were a couple of people who mentioned having nightmares...
Especially those appalling nightmares which stay with you throughout the following day...
It wasn't until my Consultant was asking me various questions and mentioned nightmares, that I realised they can be one of the symptoms of being a CO2 retainer...at the time...four months ago... I dismissed them. Told her I'd always had nightmares since being a very small child...
But now they are very much worse...these are truly awful and frequently stay in my head for most of the next day...
Remember there are various symptoms of being a CO2 retainer...nightmares or night terrors are only one of many differing symptoms, I suppose according to how serious the retention is in an individual case, always supposing it varies from person to person.
Although I'm not due to see the Consultant for another couple of months, I'm going to ask my Doctor if he can arrange to bring the appointment forward...
The brain fug I often have isn't funny either...it's not so much forgetting things or not being able to recall where I left something...this is a general feeling of apathy I suppose. Looking at something which would probably take five minutes to accomplish and just leaving it...almost as though I can't be bothered, but it isn't that...
Losing your innate ability to breathe in and out is horrible...losing your marbles is seriously scary!