Living life to the full : New on here... - Lung Conditions C...

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Living life to the full

9 Replies

New on here looking for people living with copd to get helpful tips on staying healthy and controlling symptoms.

9 Replies
Pam1952 profile image

Hello Caitlin, and welcome to the group. A healthy diet, exercise and not smoking are the 3 main areas to concentrate on, but if you have anything particular that you'd like to know, just ask. There's always someone who'll be more than happy to give advice and share knowledge.

Take care. Pam XXX

in reply to Pam1952

Thank you for your reply,I have stopped smoking am not sure what diet is best or is it eating healthy the best way,I got diagnosed 4 months ago it's my energy am struggling with i get really tired does copd affect you this way? Xx

Ergendl profile image
Ergendl in reply to

Healthy eating: daily 5+ portions fruit and veg, 5 portions fibre foods, 2 portions protein foods (meat, beans, eggs, cheese), 3 portions dairy products - if cows milk causes excess mucous, use calcium fortified soya or almond products instead. It's better to use fresh produce rather than packet meals where possible.

COPD can make you feel very tired, so meal patterns and intake of carbs and fats depends on what your weight is doing - do you put weight on, is your weight steady, or do you lose weight without trying?

in reply to Ergendl

Thank you for your advice I loose weight without trying but my appetite isn't great,so the key is to eat well and my energy will improve, thank you you helped alot xx

Exercise exercise exercise stop smoking change your diet .sing dance laugh take your meds as you need to. Stay positive and smile even if you don't have a reason to 😂😂😊😂

mrsmummy profile image

Hello and welcome to the forum. :)

Badbessie profile image

Hi, see if you can get referred to a dietitian. Since going on a high protein diet (.75gm of protein per lb of Body weight) my energy energy levels have improved greatly. Try and maintain your weight in the Goldilocks zone not to fat nor to thin. As others have said exercise exercise and exercise and take your medications religiously and you will not go too far wrong.

carotopgal profile image

Hi and welcome to the group! I've learned so much by being here and the folks are so kind and helpful!


I was diagnosed with COPD 13 years ago (now 66) gave up smoking but admit to lapsing occasionally - should take up drinking! I eat a reasonably healthy diet, keeping weight fairly stable and well within my range for height. I attended pulmonary rehab which was brilliant and then joined a gym (not me at all!) I now do two sessions a week, one follows Pilates. I call it rolling around a mat for 45 mins! And my lung function, which all those years ago was 67% on diagnosis, is now 60% (FEV1).

I have some iffy sessions but have never been in hospital and rarely had antibiotics and steroids ( get an emergency pack). We are all different but I hope I have given you some positives to think about and failing a gym take up walking up different gradient hills - it works!

You will learn what to avoid and also what you can do well. You'll be fine and good luck!

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