HI everyone. I don't post very often but I do read diligently. Seems like posts are dropping off from tenured posters. Haven't heard from Stone, Azure Skies or Watford girl in a while. Hope everyone is doing as well as possible. Stay strong everyone!
Missing: HI everyone. I don't post very... - Lung Conditions C...

All the above members are still around and posting.
I'm still around but haven't been well this year. I read too, but there are times when I haven't had the energy to type coherently. Stone is on quite often, and Azure Sky posts quite a lot too. It's nice of you to notice, and to care!
You stay strong too, Sue x
Good to see you watfordgirl, hope your on the mend, I went down with virus/chest infection in December, and still don't feel like I've recovered, been very breathless, oddly enough when abroad I'm not. Gave in started rescue storiods today, and already breathing easier, just going out for a walk and for the first time in an age, looking forward to it. Hope the warmer weather is suiting you Sue . 🤓Xx
I would hope that those not posting might, like myself have other reasons than health ones for not posting, This beautiful weather brings reasons to get out in the garden for instance.But to those who are ill best wishes for a speedy recovery and look forward to your return as I am sure Nicholatracy also does. Stone has posted in the past week as azure has too.
Guilty. I haven't been well and am struggling with the heat. Typing can be very tiring. We should all make the effort though. I will try to do better. x