Just another photo of Cooper trying to help with my sewing. Another word for help ? Hinderence springs to mind. Rosabeth
Cooper: Just another photo of Cooper... - Lung Conditions C...

Awwww how adorable! Cooper is gorgeous, but I understand what you mean. Cats just love to sit/lie in the most awkward places......! Great company though
Very handsome cat Rosabeth. How old is he? Xxxx
About 11 give or take a month or two. When we got him the vet said he thought about 8 to 9 months but because of the size he grew to he could have been younger. We do think he may be part or even Spanish mountain wild cat. Thanks to everyone for your interest in him I hope his pictures and stories about his antics lift your spirits he certainly does mine. I will post a photo I took about ten minutes ago. Rosabeth
Beautiful creature.
Beautiful boy. Know what you mean though, my cat's just as 'helpful' - but only when she can be bothered and that's not too often- sleep is her top priority!😸
Definitley a handsome chap xx
I have a Cooper look alike here - almost identical - called Eddie. Good company xx
have you tried speaking to him in Spanish yet?commo te llamas?(whats your name) de donde vives?(where do you live) oy gato gordo venga aqui(oy fat cat cat come here.no doubt i will be corrected by the lingustic police but its just a bit of fun and i love to practice.Love your cat.mike
I lived in Spain for twelve years both my cats are Spanish cats and they are bilingual. My friend used to talk to them in German as did my next door neighbours so think they have a smattering of German too. My problem is trying to forget Spanish as it caused quite a few problems when I returned. Worse was the problem when I went to Spain as I speak French also and when first trying out my Spanish I would come out with some very strange sentences mixing all three languages I got some very odd looks so tried to forget French it's all still there though but I do seem to have , at last learnt to use only one language at a time. Rosabeth