really struggling, got oxy review tuesday another one at hosp wed...hope this will help
so sob: really struggling, got oxy... - Lung Conditions C...
so sob

Good luck Tuesday and Wednesday. It's rotten isn't it to struggle with sob I have been suffering this week. Don't know why. Take care xx
Me too,not much fun! Good luck Maruth on the 2 days,hope you get some good news xxx

do you get sob while sitting down.
Hi maruth, sorry to hear you are short of breath. I really struggle with oil seed rape which is in full bloom all around us here. Also tree pollen is troublesome. I take a steroid nasal spray and antihistamine but am still blocked up. I try to avoid being near triggers as i become wheezy and sob. Take care. Hope you feel better v soon. Alison xx
Good reading I am the same with rape seed fields
Thank you for that Offcut - very interesting reading. I was distressed quite a while agogive when I realised 'vegetable' oil was actually oil seed rape. We only use sunflower oil and even then, very little. I remember reading a few years ago about a farmer who died walking the crops in his fields. He had been overcome and unable to breath because of the pollen! One of our local farmers always used to struggle with the pollen but still grew it. Where I was born and raised there were always crops. My mother said she had never known people have hayfever to the extent they did when oil seed rape appeared. Suddenly she said the vile yellow muck had been replaced by linseed and the valley full of rape pollen had gone together with the high incidence of troublesome hayfever.
A few years ago I read that our climate is too wet for rape seed to grow without lots of chemical support as it is susceptible to mould and mildew. When pollen is developing it incorporates relatively high levels of these chemicals which we react to quite strongly. It makes sense to me as an explanation but, of course, I know nothing. This might explain why large areas of Europe can grow the weed and have vast swathes of eye aching yellow without major complaints from their population. To get rid of it we shall have to s top subsidising it. Keep breathing.
thanks to you all,been in hosp 3 weeks ,gotta find a way thro this, Tocis cardio vasc exercise sounds very interesting.
I have not improved much since that pollution week we had?
I know where your coming from,very scary and frightening!! I am awaiting lung reduction op..Sob not nice and my thoughts are with you....Laura